Teen Pregnancy (S.J)

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Plot: You found out you were pregnant and you didn't know how to tell your mum(Scarlett Johansson)

You pace around the living room and wait for your Mum to get home. You hear her car door close and her keys jingle. She opens the door and calls for you, "Y/N, baby, I'm home!"

"Living room!" You call back. She walks into living and see you crying.

"Baby, what's wrong."


"Breath, baby, breath."

"Momma, don't be mad."

"If you tell me, I won't be mad." You pull out the pregnancy test. She takes the test and stares at it blankly.

"Your mad." You bring your knees to your chest. You start to cry.

"I'm not mad, I'm just surprised." She wraps her arms around me. "Who's the father? How far along are you?"

"Momma, too many questions."

"Sorry, but who is the father?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know?"

"It was about 2 months ago and-and a dude he-he r-raped me."

"Oh, my god. I'm sorry baby." She kisses my head. "I'm calling my OBGYN." She gets up and calls her OBGYN.

"Momma, I'm scared."

"Don't be. I'll be bere the entire time and we're going to the doctor tomorrow." You nod your head.

Next day

You and Scarlett head to the doctor. They set you on a table.

"The gel will be cold on your stomach." She puts the gel on and you wince. "Your about 7 weeks and there is your baby." She points to the screen. It's a blob. It's very small.

"Momma, look at it." You smile and tear up. You head back home and your still smiling.

8 months later

"Y/N, one more push."

"I can't. It hurts. I can't, Momma."

"Yes, you can. I wanna meet my granddaughter."

"Ok, Y/N push." You push as hard as you can and you scream in pain.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" You hear a small cry.

"She's here, baby, she's here." The midwife brings your baby girl up to you. Skin to skin first then she brings her down to clean her off. She cleans her off and passes her back up to you. You kiss your baby head. "What are you naming her?"

"Natalia Yelena Johansson." Scarlett smiles like the Cheshire cat.

"That's an amazing name." You pass Natalia to Scarlett. She kisses her head.

A/N: Y'all this is too cute. Way too cute. Even tho this took me like an hour to write, I got it out! I need more ideas. Please write me ideas if you got any.

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