Surgecy Pt.2 (S.S)

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Plot: The rest of the cast gets to meet Brynn and you.

1 month later

It's been a month since you had Brynn. She's been a pain in yours and Sebastian ass. She doesn't like to sleep at night and wakes up at all hours.

Sebastian is now going back to filming after helping your move in and get use to the new living arrangements. You walk out of the nursery with Brynn, as your feeding her a bottle.

Sebastian walks over to you and rubs Brynn head. He kisses her head and kisses you.

"How are my girls doing?"

"Ones tired and needs a shower and the other wouldn't fall asleep." Sebastian takes Brynn.

"Were you being a pain for Mummy, yes, you were." You pass Sebastian her bottle.

"You may feed her, while I shower."

"Of course, doll. I'll make breakfast as well."

"I don't deserve you."

"No, you don't but you gave me a child, so I kinda do deserve me." You chuckle and kiss Sebastian.

"I'll be back. Don't burn anything." You head to the bathroom to take a shower. You take a nice, warm shower. I get out and put on a t-shirt and a pair of leggings. I put on a pair of black Adidas. You walk back into the kitchen. You see Sebastian rocking Brynn to sleep. "Did you burp her?"

"I did." Sebastian places her in her carseat to sleep. You grab a pancake from the plate. "Are you excited to meet everyone." Sebastian asks.

"I think your more excited to show off Brynn."

"How can I not. She's beautiful, just like her mother." Sebastian kisses your head. You giggle into his side.

30 minutes later

"Seb, you ready!" You whisper yell into the bedroom.

"Yeah, I'm ready!" He whispers yell back. He walks out of the bedroom all ready. You pick up the carseat with Brynn in it. You bring it down to the car and drive to set. Sebastian carries in Brynn and you walk behind them with a diaper bag. Scarlett walks up to you guys

"Where is she?" Scarlett goes all baby talk.

"She's in the carseat but don't wake her." Scarlett takes Brynn out of the carseat and craddles her. Jeremy and RDJ walk over to you guys.

"Woah, who's baby?" Jeremy asks.

"Mine." Sebastian raises his hand.

"When did this thing come into the world?" RDJ asks.

"Last month, I think." Sebastian turns to you.

"Yeah, one month ago today." You say to Sebastian.

"That explains why you haven't been here for a month."

"Yeah, I've been at home with Brynn."

"And who is this pretty lady."

"My girlfriend, Robert, so back off."

"Woah, protective much."

"I'm Y/N." You shake his hand.

"What's your job, Y/N?"

"I'm a photographer. I get paid to go to concerts and take pictures."

"Who have you met?"

"Queen, before Freddie died, Eminem, Jason Derulo, Demi Lovato, Panic! At The Disco, NF, Fall Out Boys, Dua Lipa, Ariana Grande, Lizzo and many more."

You all talk more and everyone got to meet Brynn. Everyone loved her and no one thankfully woke her up. She did wake up once but fell back asleep as soon as she was in Sebastian arms.

"She's a daddy girl."

"Most definitely." Sebastian smiles and hugs you from the side.

A/N: So, this took me too long to write but I also had to present a few things in class and yeah. 2 days of school left and then summer! This is probably gonna be my last part for the weekend. I'll be back Monday, maybe Sunday.

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