Coming home (C.E, S.S)

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Plot: You come home after being deployed for 2 years. You surprise Chris and Sebastian on Jimmy Fallon.

You stand back stage in your army uniform waiting for your cue. All of your medals hang on your vest, your rank, your name and more. You haven't seen Chris, your boyfriend and Sebastian, your brother in 2 years. You kept on getting deployed every time you were about to come home. You miss them all dearly. You were going to surprise them both. You came up with an idea on the phone with Jimmy. He was more then happy to do a homecoming. Sebastian and Chris are talking with Jimmy.

"So, what do you guys miss the most?" Jimmy ask.

"Wow, going deep are we?" Chris says.

"Just answer the question."

"Definitely my sister."

"And my girlfriend."

"Where is your girlfriend and sister."

"She was deployed about 2 years ago."

"Wait, is your sister, his girlfriend."


Your standing watching them talk to Jimmy. It funny to see them talk about you, not even knowing you're back stage.

"Ok, so I got in contact with Y/N a few days ago and I have to show you something." A screen comes down and a video pops up. It's a video of you.

"Hi, boys! I miss you all and I love you. Chris I miss you the most and Dodger, of course. Sebastian is miss you also, I guess." Everyone laughs. "No, I do, but I got some news. I'm coming home in a few weeks with Marcel." Everyone claps.

"Who's Marcel?" Jimmy ask

"Marcel is Y/N monkey."


"Yeah, she's got a pet monkey." Chris shrugs.

"Ok, so now I have a gift for you both." Chris and Sebastian looks at Jimmy with confused faces. "Ok, let's bring it out." 2 military officials come out by the crowd and salute. Then Marcel comes running out. Chris picks him up.

"Hey, little dude. Why are you here and Mummy isn't?"

"Well, Chris, Sebastian look out into the crowd." Carly, Shanna, Scott, Sebastian Mum, Chris's parents and a few of the avengers cast stand up. Chris and Sebastian faces are confused. You walk out from back stage.

"Soldiers, stand down." You say behind Chris and Sebastian. The military officials put their hand down. Chris and Sebastian turn around and gasp. They both run towards you. Sebastian picks you up and spins you around. "Hi, Seabass."

"Oh, my god, Y/N, your home."

"I am, at least for now."

"Don't start." Sebastian says as he puts you down. You walk over to Chris who's in disbelief.

"Chris, baby, you alright?" You place your hand on his cheek.

"Your really here?"

"Yes, I'm really here." Chris picks you up by your leg and kisses you deeply.

"Your really here."

"Yes, I am really here." Chris starts to cry. "Chris, don't I'm gonna cry."

"I love you so fucking much."

"I love you even more." You kiss Chris again.

A/N: After not having an idea at all today, I finally got one and well I love this part. Am I the only one who cries at homecoming videos. I can't help it, it's just too happy.

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