Surgecy (S.S)

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Plot: Sebastian dream of becoming a dad comes true and you made it happen.

"Ok, Y/N, one last push."

"I can't. I-It hurts to much." You shake your head in pain. Sebastian grabs your hand.

"Y/N, you can. Yes, you can." You give one last push. You hear a little cry. "Y/N, you did it."

"We have a healthy baby girl." The nurse says. The nurse cleans off the baby girl and passes her to Sebastian.

"Hi, my little girl."

"Can we do skin to skin so she can get use to dad."

"Of course." Sebastian sits in a rocking chair and takes off his shirt. They the baby girl against Sebastian chest.

"I'll be back later." The nurse leaves.

"How are you feeling, Y/N?"

"I'm tired and really sweaty."

"You did really good today." You give Sebastian a weak smile. "She looks so much like you." Sebastian gives you a smile.

"Well, she is 50% of me." Sebastian gets out of the chair and lays on the bed next to you. You shift a bit so he fits.

"I need to tell you something." Sebastian blurts out. You turn and look at him.

"What's up?"

"Ever since I meet you, I had this feeling deep down inside of me. Something I've never felt. Y/N, I'm madly in love with you." You don't respond, you just kiss Sebastian. He pulls away with a grin. "I'm guessing so are you."

"Yeah." Sebastian kisses you again.

"We need to name our little girl."

"I was thinking Brynn?"

"I love it." Sebastian kisses your head.

Hours later

Seb has called all his friends to tell them about Brynn. Everyone is over the moon and said they would be at the hospital soon. Sebastian friends walk in about an hour later (Chris E, Anthony and Scarlett (A/N: others will meet Brynn on set;)) Sebastian is holding Brynn in the rocking chair.

"She's so cute." Scarlett whispers as she takes Brynn. Anthony and Chris cradled around Scarlett and Brynn.

"What's her name?"

"Brynn Marina Stan." Sebastian says as he walks over to you. Sebastian kisses your head.

Scarlett, Anthony and Chris all know about Brynn but no one else. They kept it a secret from everyone else. They wanted to surprise everyone else. They haven't told the media yet, also.

"She looks so much like Y/N." Chris says.

"But she had Seabass eyes."

"Yeah, she does. Those steel blue eyes, but has Y/N Y/H/C."

"So, what's going on with you too." Anthony asks.

"Why do you think something is going on."

"You both have the lovey dovey eyes and won't stop googoo eyeing each other."

"Well um I told her."

"What'd she say?!"

"I said it back to him." You say to Anthony.


"Shhhhh." Sebastian shushs Anthony.


A/N: So I start this book one month ago today and y'all I'm almost at 600 reads. I've never been more happy. I've been at this book for one month! I might do a part 2 to this. I might get it out tonight but if I don't that will be tomorrow's part. Also I only have 2 more days left of school until summer break! Finally, I'm so done with online school. I can't wait to get back to school again and see people. 

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