He's gone (E)

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Plot: You and the cast find out Chadwick Boseman died.

A/N: Idk if this actually how they founded out, but this is my idea of what could of happened.

You and the cast are talking before you head off to shooting.

"Has anyone heard from Chadwick." You ask the group.

"No, not for a few days." Just then the Russo brothers and Chadwick's wife, Simone comes over.

"Um guys, we have to share something." Everyone stands up.

"It's about Chadwick." Tears form in your eyes. "He didn't want to tell anyone as we thought he was getting better, but it got worse as of last week."

"What got worse?" Scarlett ask.

"Chadwick had stage 4 colon cancer."


"He died yesterday morning." Your heart sank. Chadwick was like the brother you never had, even though you have 4 older brothers. Tears drippes from your face as you ran off.

"Y/N, wait!" Scarlett calls after you as she runs after you. She finds you outside the studio crying. "Babes, I'm sorry." She kisses your head.

"He can't be gone. H-He can't be."

"I'm so so so so so sorry, but he is."

A/N: Well um yeah. I like this one even tho it's really short. I had a small idea, but whatever. Tbh, I was actually super upset about Chadwick death. He was a legend.

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