Helpful Classmates and Heavy Consciences

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"Well, it's almost summer vacation," Aizawa droned on just like he always did. "Don't get too excited. You can't just relax an entire month."

"Does that mean..?" Kaminari gasped, turning to the rest of our classmates for confirmation, as though we could read his mind.

"You'll be training while you're camping in the woods," Aizawa answered before he could even finish the question. I sighed and dropped my head into my arms, bracing myself for the idiocy that I knew was approaching at breakneck speeds, just like it always did whenever these people got all worked up. Let's just hope their excitement would be over quickly.

"I knew it! Alright!" They all did that uncanny thing where they shout in sync. I've said it before, and I'll say it again; I have no idea when they got together to practice that thing, but there was no way they could do that without some sort of rehearsal beforehand.

"A big sleepover!" Mina squealed, jumping from her desk. Um, what? She did hear the 'training' part of that just now, right?

"Baths!" Mineta popped up out of nowhere. Ew.

"Fireworks!" Asui added. I raised a brow. Ok, seriously, what the hell? Had these people seriously never heard of a normal training camp before?

"Springs!" Mineta popped up again. Ew. Again.

"And s'mores!" Iida chopped upwards into the air, speaking much more calmly than the others, despite his obvious excitement. What in the world did they think training camp was? A carnival?

"Skinny dipping!" Mineta popped up for the third time. And for the third time, ew.

"We've been training in cities, so this will be very different conditions for most of us," Yaoyorozu said thoughtfully. At least there was one semi-smart person in the bunch.

"No matter what the environment, we must always remain vigilant. Yes. Very wise," Tokoyami reaffirmed. Ok, maybe two semi-smart people, although the second one was a little on the dramatic side.

"Hanging out with everyone all summer, I'm so excited!" Hagakure cheered. Geez, these people could be so annoying sometimes.  When had Aizawa ever trained us so leisurely?

"However," Aizawa's voice cut in as he activated his quirk, immediately silencing everyone. Finally, it was over. "Those of you who don't pass the final exam before the semester is over will have summer school."

"Everyone, do your best!" Kirishima called out. Nope, I lied; they were all starting again.

"This is so stupid," Bakugou muttered under his breath. Hey, look at that! Three semi-smart people.

"All you girls better pass this thing!" Yet again, ew. How many times is that thing going to talk?

"Mineta. Shut. Up." My voice sliced through the noise of the classroom like butter. "You're giving me a headache," I hissed.

And with that, everyone finally seemed to calm down a bit. The bell rang just a few seconds later, and I was extremely shocked to find more than one person standing in front of my desk.

"(L/N), would you mind training with me for the practical exam? You were pretty awesome in the race the other day," Kaminari said, his hands clasped together as if to beg me.

"Me too! I could really use the help!" Hagakure's sleeves moved up and down quickly in what I could only assume was her moving her arms.

"Yes, I was hoping to be able to train with you as well," Iida chopped his hand upwards stiffly, his brows furrowed ever so slightly. He was clearly bracing himself for rejection.

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