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Marinette wept until she had no tears left to cry. She felt as if all the hope and happiness had been sucked out of the world. Her life had lost its meaning. Only once before had she felt this crushed. During which she swore it would never happen again, yet here she was, crying, hurting, and wishing she could just end the pain.

She felt broken and now had lost it all. Everything that once made her happy was gone. Marinette struggled to breathe. Her heart ached, her chest felt tight, and she was sure her head was being squeezed and crushed as we speak.

She was sure this felt worse than death. At least after you die, you stop feeling pain, but this was a constant pain you couldn't get rid of.

She should have believed Chloe when she tried to warn her. How could she not see that for once, she was trying to be helpful. She should've just kept walking away from him! Ignored him and pretend he didn't exist, but she hadn't. She should have never spoken to him at all, not even sarcastically, she should have kept pushing him away as she had been for years, but she didn't.

How was she stupid enough to trust him after what he had done before? And why would they team up to do this to her? Her best friends betrayed her. She had always tried to be the best person she could be, so why did he do this to her? Her heart ached. During these last 24 hours, she managed to lose her best friends and happiness.

All because of him!

Marinette couldn't believe what he had been capable of doing to her, and that was what got to her. She should have known, she should have seen this coming, but she didn't. Of course, he wouldn't change. Why the hell did she think he could? He was a heartless jerk. A player! She regretted ever trusting him again. She was angry for not walking away from him when she had the chance. Now here she was, wishing she had never met him as pain invaded her heart and crushed her spirit.

Do you know that saying that you can't die from love? Well, that's a load of shit. Because right this second, she was sure she was dying. Marinette felt like she was being cut open by a million pieces of glass, all going right through her heart. Marinette felt an agonizing pain, but there was something else, something stronger.

She felt anger!

 What he had done was unforgivable, and Marinette would not let him get away from something like this. Usually, Marinette would turn the other cheek, but not now. Not anymore! That Marinette was gone. He made sure of that. He destroyed the woman she used to be. The second that he decided to go through with the bet was the second everything changed.

Finding out about it destroyed her, but now she will make sure to demolish him!

You see, this pain and anger were caused by one person, in particular, one she should have never trusted in the first place, one that had caused her so much pain once before, and he had a name. A name she now despised more than ever.

Adrien Agreste.  

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