Chapter 30- Confrontation

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***Hello, My loyal readers. I am back and with another long and emotional chapter for all of you. Beware of cursing and violence. Thank you all for the support. Comment your thoughts and let me know what you think so far. Don't forget to vote and follow. I send you all much love and appreciation, MMF.***

Adrien dashed through the halls of the school, heading for the music room. The DJ, lo and behold, was tapping his fingers on a table swiftly, a worried expression on his face. Adrien walked inside the room, slamming the door shut, angrier than he'd ever been.

"What the hell did you do, Nino?" he snarled, approaching the table and slamming his fists down. As the door opened, Nino looked up, but neither the look in Adrien's eyes nor the noise his hands made as they slammed into the table caused him to react in any way. Nino simply cynically chuckled at the sound of his ex-best friend's voice.

What exactly did he do? He completed his task! He did the proper thing. Someone had to, and let's face it, Adrien had no idea what honesty was. At this point, Nino questioned the word was even in Adrien's dictionary. He was, without a doubt, his father's son. Nino used to put up with it because he hoped his friend would still be there, but now he didn't have to. Not for someone like him, anyway.

"What exactly did I do? What the hell do you think? I told her the truth, moron!" As he stood up from his seat, Nino retorted fiercely. He was adamant about not backing out. Others may have supported Adrien because the blonde was a celebrity. Some may be terrified of him because of the power the Agreste family holds, but not him. He would never fear him.

Adrien was furious. He felt betrayed. The blonde couldn't believe that his own best friend had told Marinette everything behind his back.

Marinette had left because of him! Adrien was at a loss for words. He knew what Nino saw was terrible, but he didn't even give him a chance to explain himself before ratting him out the way he did.

Adrien, filled with rage, shoved aside the table between them, grabbed Nino's shirt neck, lifted him into the air, and slammed him against a nearby wall.

"What the fuck did you tell her?" Adrien hissed.

Nino winced in pain when his back collided with the wall behind him, but he refused to back down. That was the old Nino, the one who held the blonde in high regard. That Nino was no longer alive.

Nino fought back by grabbing Adrien's wrists and forcing him to relinquish his grip, causing his feet to fall to the ground. He then proceeded to push Adrien away from him with force. " I told her the truth, asshole. Everything! I showed her everything. I told her about the bet, the falsehoods, the alleged amnesia, and, of course, the slut kissing bit. She knows how much of a sick fuck you are. She is aware of everything. You've reached the end of your rope. She now knows the truth, that you never loved her, and that you can no longer deceive her. It was something I made certain of." Nino erupted in rage, accusingly pointing at Adrien throughout it all.

Adrien stepped back and yanked his hair out of frustration. "But that is not the truth, Nino! I am in love with her. I always have been. Why can't any of you see that? I love her. I can't lose her!' Adrien yelled out defensively, with tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

"Fuck you, Agreste!" Nino hissed, turning around and beginning to walk out of the room since he no longer wanted to listen to this jackass. "Nino, please listen to me!" Adrien pleaded as he pursued Nino. When he finally got to him, he grabbed his arm and wouldn't let Nino take another step. "Please, Nino. I swear it is not what it looks like," Adrien begged again.

"Leave me alone, asshole!" Nino snarled, but Adrien was unyielding. He needed to mend his relationship with Marinette, and he'd need the help of his best friend to do so. "No! Not until you've given me a chance to speak. Please, Nino," Adrien said, his voice dropping as the conversation progressed.

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