Chapter 13- Relationship and doubts

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***Here is an extra-long chapter for you guys. I hope you like it. Comment, vote, and follow. I love hearing from yall. To my loyal readers, comment below, and let me know if you are still with me. Sending love, MMF.****

Marinette just about had a heart attack. There was a whole parade in her heart; Music playing, fireworks popping, confetti flying, and happiness, so much joy. Adrien Agreste, her high school crush, had just kissed her. But it wasn't just any kiss. He stole the kiss from her. Not thinking twice, she pulled out her phone and dialed Alya's number.

"Hello, Girl, you do realize we just left there, right?" Alya said as she picked up her phone.

"Alya, pinch me. I'm dreaming," Marinette screamed in excitement.

"Wow, Girl, what in the world happened?"

"He kissed me, Alya, he said thank you, and then kissed me!"

Alya almost dropped the phone. She was not sure what to think, but the news was shocking. Something about the time frame seemed a little weird to her. 

Alya wanted to be happy for her best friend. But, being involved with this whole bet thing, she couldn't be. Alya knew the new Adrien all too well, and she was afraid he hadn't forgotten about the bet and was using this to his advantage. 

She worried for her best friend. At this second in time, Alya noticed Marinette had lied. She was still completely in love with Adrien, and now, she was at risk of getting hurt. 

"Hello, Alya, are you there?" Marinette asked as she received nothing but silence from the other side of the line.

"Yeah, yeah, girl, I'm here," Alya responded quickly. She couldn't tell her friend the truth, but at least she could try to figure out a way to warn her, but before she did, she needed to know if this is some stunt Adrien was attempting to pull off. 

"Mari, are you still in love with him?" Alya asked, hoping that she was misinterpreting the situation. Now, it was Marinette's turn to remain silent. The truth was, she had never stopped loving Adrien. Even after he had torn her heart to shreds, her heart still beats for him. But she couldn't admit that. Not to Alya or anyone else.

Honestly, she just felt confused. Even though her heart belonged to Adrien, she hadn't forgiven him for what he had done, and she doubted she ever would. Darn her stupid heart. Therefore, Marinette did what she had done all those years before; she lied.

"I- I. No, of course not Alya. I was just excited to see him acting like his old self. That was all," Marinette lied, face-palming herself. How could she have been so stupid? It was so obvious that doing so would have made anyone suspicious of her feelings toward Adrien. 

 "Oh, okay. Look, be careful with him. I don't think he is fully back to his old self yet. I got to go, but we'll talk more about this later," Alya responded before hanging up the call. This only confused Marinette greatly. Why was Alya acting like this? What did she mean by that? Did she know something she didn't know?

 Why was Alya acting like this? What did she mean by that? Did she know something she didn't know?

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