Chapter 48- Plans and jealousy

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*** Please don't hate me, but the story will be coming to an end soon. Let me know if there is any idea or type of story that you would like me to work on. Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow. Thank you for the support. Sending love, MMF***

Adrien hadn't gotten any sleep for the second night in a row. He was glancing at Marinette's sleeping body while he wasn't twisting and turning in bed. Her words resonated in his head over and over again. Almost as if they were torturing him.

"I still love you, Chaton. I'm sure you'll be a great father to our kitten."

He heard them. He was almost positive he had. It all felt too real for it to be an illusion. Right? But how come Marinette was sound asleep when he turned to look at her? Why didn't she act any differently toward him the next day? It was as if it had never happened in the first place.

Oh, how much he wished the words were a reality. He would give anything to hear Marinette say she loves him and even more to have a family with her.

As Mr. Couffaine lectured, Adrien's leg bounced up and down. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to focus. The fact that the bluenette sat at his side and her boyfriend was the professor teaching at the same time didn't help matters. Adrien cursed his bad fate in hushed tones.

He desperately wanted to ask Marinette if she had said those things, but he couldn't. What was he supposed to say, exactly? "How are you, princess? So, did you truly say you love me and that I'm going to have a child?" No, no, no. That was not going to happen. Especially since she didn't act as if it had happened.

But even then, Adrien couldn't help but think of what-ifs. 

What if Marinette was expecting a child?

What if he's the biological father?

What if she still has feelings for him?

What if she was but didn't tell him?

What if she was but didn't tell him? What if she never did?

What if Luka forbids him from seeing his child?

What happens if they reconcile?

What if-

"Adrien, are you okay?" Marinette whispered as she observed his strange behavior. "You haven't been acting like yourself recently," she added, her tone concerned.

Adrien locked his gaze on Marinette for a moment. His gaze shifted from her face to her stomach almost instantly. He wished it was real and that his princess was bearing his child, but he didn't see anything. There was no bump, no weight gain, nothing whatsoever. But what about the sickness? That had to mean something. Right? But then again, she had gotten better. Maybe it was a dream, after all.

Adrien sighed but stayed deafeningly quiet. He had to be dreaming or hallucinating. Maybe, it was due to the movie or their previous talk that inspired him to fantasize about these things. He had to disclose that he wished his lady was expecting his child during the chat. Throughout the film, he couldn't get the thought out of his head. As a result, he may have dreamed of Marinette telling him that. That was the end of it. Adrien bit his lower lip, dissatisfied. Marinette had no idea how desperately he desired to start a family with her.

"Kitty?" she calls out again. 

"Y-yeah, I- I am fine. Sorry, M'lady," He responded, looking away from the bluenette with sorrowful eyes. 

Marinette doubted he was being honest, but she also knew she had no right to push him to speak.

"All right, I guess."

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