Chapter 15- Past-part 2

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***Hello my loyal readers, here is an extra-long chapter for you. I hope you like it. Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow. Sending love, MMF*** 

Marinette woke up to the feeling of warmth. Opening her eyes, she found herself wrapped in the arms of a naked Adrien. Her heart filled with joy as a million butterflies erupted in her stomach. She couldn't believe everything that happened last night.

 She thought it was just a dream, but here she was laying, in his arms, hearing the beat of his heart. She had never woken up in someone's arms before. It was by far the best feeling in the world, and that someone being Adrien made it all that better.

Wanting to make the feeling last longer, Marinette continued laying in his arms for a while longer. After all, it was Sunday there was no need to get up early.

Waking up a second time, Marinette decided to go to the nearest coffee shop, and buy Adrien's favorite drink to surprise him as he woke up. Picking up Adrien's shirt and her jeans, Marinette got dressed and headed out.

Adrien woke up to find himself alone in the bed. He missed the warmth of her body on his. Last night had been perfect. All those years of wishful thinking were worth it. It had been better than he ever imagined it would be. His life was complete. Never in a million years did he think he would be able to have everything he ever wanted, but here he was, free, with friends, and most importantly, the girl of his dreams.

He should be happy, right? But he wasn't. You see, there were still so many things left unsaid last night. Many of those unsaid words deprived Adrien of sleep. During the early hours of the morning, Adrien decided that he could be at peace as long as she was still in his arms. It wasn't until the warmth of her body was gone that those thoughts flooded his brain again, waking him up from the little sleep he had.

Adrien wanted to forget it, but the thoughts that the flashbacks he was having could have been actual memories got to him. He needed to know what else happened that night. Could Marinette have been the girl that was with him that night? Was she the girl he gave his first time to? No, he had never been that lucky.

But yet again, last night had been outstanding, and that only made Adrien wonder. Marinette had been amazing, so did that mean she too was not a virgin? That couldn't be, could it? Adrien had never seen her with another guy other than dancing with Nathaniel. There was no one else. 

Adrien couldn't help but wonder who could have been the asshole that took that away from her, away from him! It was meant for him, for the man who actually loved her, but then, why did it feel like it wasn't?  

Adrien did not know how to do it, but he had to ask. He needed to ask. Adrien hoped he was wrong, and it was him, the man she had given her first time to. He didn't understand why it was important to him, but it was. He hated the thought of Marinette being intimate with anyone other than him.

Lastly, there was one other thing that kept him the most awake. The bet. The stupid bet that he wished he had never made. He wanted to tell Nino to forget about it and never mention it again, but he knew it didn't work that way. That meant he would lose the most important thing he owned, his Marinette lucky charm. Technically, what happened last night, meant that he won, but he was scared of what would happen if Marinette ever found out. He had to figure something out before it was too late.

Feeling like he had been waiting in bed for a while, Adrien decided to call out for her.

"Princess," Adrien uttered out, still thinking Marinette was in the bathroom changing but was surprised when he got no response. 

"Princess?" He called out again. Being a brooder, Adrien got up swiftly, put his boxers on, and began walking around the dorm. In search of his lady. He thought of how maybe she regretted what happened, or how maybe he was disappointing. He even thought she somehow found out about the bet and hated him. He was about to panic when he heard the sound of a key unlocking the front door.

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