Chapter 22- Truths?

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*** I'm back my loyal readers. Sorry for the long wait, but here is an emotional chapter for ya'll.  Vote, comment, and follow for more. Once again thanks for the support. Sending love, MMF***

"Marinette, there is something you should know."

Alya wasn't sure of how or what she was going to say, but she could not just stand there and allow her friend to believe Adrien truly loved her when the reality of it was he was using her for a damn bet. 

You see, unlike her boyfriend, Nino, Alya did not believe in Adrien's words. She doubted that Adrien fell in love with her best friend again. Not after who he has become.

Alya can't lie. There were times she found herself believing Adrien truly loved her friend, like nearly seconds ago, but everything worked against it. Alya kept thinking of how Adrien had not proved his loyalty to Marinette just yet. She didn't trust him. The ring and words were the first act of love Adrien had shown since the beginning of the year, and for all, she knows it could all be fake.

As Nino saw Marinette running toward Alya, he walked toward Adrien. Before he could say a word, Adrien hugged his friend. 

"She said yes, Nino! Marinette agreed to be my girlfriend. Did you see it?" Adrien spoke excitedly. There was no doubt in anyone's mind, Adrien was sincerely happy.

Adrien had dreamt of this moment since he was 14. It had been the wish he made every year on his birthday as he blew out the candles. He couldn't believe it was finally happening. Adrien thought, 'No more loving her in private.' Now he could show her off to the world. After so many years of waiting, Adrien would make the most of this moment.

Nino nodded his head, still lost in thought. He couldn't help but wonder if this was real. It looked like Adrien was being honest but was he?

"Yeah, I saw it. Good for you, man," Nino responded, showing no emotion whatsoever, but Adrien was too happy to notice.

Adrien laughed. "I got to admit my heart was pounding. I was so nervous. Part of me thought that she would reject me, that I wouldn't be good enough for her, but she didn't, man. Nino, this is the best day of my life," Adrien continued happily. At the second, Nino felt a once of relief.

Nino knew Adrien better than most, and Adrien's words were genuine. He sounded like the 14-year-old boy he met years ago.

 For God's sake, Adrien even bought a ring.

 He had never bought a girl anything before. But even then, Nino had to make sure it was real, and Adrien meant every word.

"So, I guess that means you won the bet," Nino said, testing Adrien's reaction. He watched as Adrien responded without even putting any thought into his words. 

"Fuck the bet, Nino! The girl I have loved since I was 14 just agreed to be my girlfriend. It is the best night of my life. The bet means nothing, Nino, nothing as long as I have her," Adrien yelled out, feeling offended.

This time Nino flashed a big smile.

 There it was! The sentence he has been waiting to hear since the bet started. 

This man was his real friend. The old Adrien was back! Now, it was Nino who pulled Adrien in for a hug. 

"Congrats, man. I am so happy for both of you," Nino said to his best friend. Adrien let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding. 

For a second, Adrien thought their friends wouldn't accept their relationship. He knew he had messed up a lot before and didn't deserve Marinette's love, but he is glad they are not angry about it.

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