Chapter 41- Forgiveness?

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***Hello, my loyal readers. I have brought yet another update for you. Yes, this is the third one this week. I want to address a few messages that I have been receiving. It seems as if my story has upset a few people. Guys, if you read the book title, it clearly states this is an Adrienette story. Please, don't worry, it will happen. The things happening now are a must to understand the rest. I did state there would be a lot of twists and turns. Just enjoy the ride. As always thank you for the support. A special thanks to all those who vote and comment on every single chapter. It truly means the world. Sending my love, MMF***

Marinette stood there watching her phone light up for the twentieth time in the last hour. Luka was attempting to contact her once more. Last night, he had left several messages, some of which expressed concern for her safety, but Marinette had not answered any of them. She wished she had never gotten a new phone in the first place. Isn't it possible for the earth to open up and swallow her whole?

Marinette took a deep breath and wiped a tear from her eye. The situation this morning had managed to destroy her completely. She hated knowing that she would soon have to face the hurt in Luka's eyes as she confessed the truth, just as much as she hated having to hurt Adrien the way she did, but she didn't see any other way.

Marinette stood there watching as the phone lit up once more. She was unable to take the call. What could she possibly say to explain her actions last night? How was she supposed to explain that she followed her heart and ended up in Adrien's arms? Most importantly, how could she converse with him while wearing marks made by another man all over her body. The man she loved. 

Marinette hid her face behind her hands as she sobbed even harder.

She was so ashamed of herself. Luka was not deserving of such treatment. He had always been so kind to her, but she wronged him in the worst possible way. She had cheated on him, and it was only the beginning of their relationship. She'd betrayed him, just as she had thought she would if she saw Adrien again. She was unable to speak to him. She felt filthy.

With a shake of her head, the young designer expressed her dissatisfaction. Her intellect told her to hide for a few days so the markings would fade and the events would be hidden from him, but her heart wouldn't let her. Marinette was well aware that Luka deserved her candor. He had a right to know the truth, and she had a right to suffer the consequences. Marinette could only hope that Luka would be gentle with her at this point. But, could she blame him if he wasn't? After all, it was her fault, and she deserved his hatred.

She realized she couldn't stay hidden for much longer. Marinette took out her cellphone and dialed Luka's number. She had no choice but to accept to call him back. There was a knock on her chamber door just as the phone started to ring.

Marinette stood up and walked slowly to the door, whimpering in pain. The ache simply reminded the bluenette of the blonde she had just hurt a few hours before. He made sure to leave his imprint on every inch of her body last night. He'd made love to her in ways he had never made love to her before. He yearned for her body, and she sensed it in his every touch. He had left such an impression on her that she could still feel him inside her, and it only filled her with greater remorse.

When Marinette answered the door, she was met by  Luka's stronghold, which caused her to stiffen and gasp as pain radiated through her body. While Luka held her securely, she tried to reduce her whining to a minimum.

"Melody, you're fine. I was very worried about you," Luka spoke up, his grip on her tightening. Marinette pressed her eyes shut tightly, trying not to cry in his arms. She did not deserve someone as lovely as him, someone, who would concern and care for her as much as he did. Her actions were not fair to him or his heart. 

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