Chapter 27- The Truth Part 2

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*** Hello, my loyal readers. I am back with another astonishing chapter for you. I hope you like it. Please like, comment, share, and follow. Your support means the world to me. Sending love, MMF***

"Nino, Nino Lahiffe."

Marinette felt her heart drop. Her eyes widened, and placing a hand over her mouth, she let out a loud gasp of disbelief. Hearing Nino's name felt worse than being stabbed in the back. The betrayal had gone straight to her heart. It hurt, and Marinette couldn't believe it to be true. Nino was her friend. He was there long before Alya and Adrien. Nino had been her friend since they were kids. He would never hurt her like that. Could he?

"Nino?" The bluenette asked in disbelief. Marinette watched as her professor and friend gave her a gentle nod. He held a look of sadness and guilt. The truth was Luka felt horrible. He couldn't even imagine what Marinette was feeling right now. To know one of your closest friends betrayed you must be extremely painful.

For a short second, Luka regretted having said anything to the bluenette. But the truth had to be known. For his sake, and apparently for hers.

Once again, Marinette placed her hand over her mouth and shook her head. She refused to believe what Luka confessed at the moment. It was all too much for her. Nino was one of her best friends, almost family. Much like the older brother she never had, Nino wouldn't do that to her! He just wouldn't.

Luka watched sorrowfully as the woman he loved struggled with the truth. Her bluebell eyes filled with tears, making them look almost glass-like, and he felt his heart break for her. It was one of the hardest things he had ever had to witness.

Marinette was overwhelmed. The bluenette knew Luka was no liar, but she struggled to believe the words that had come out of his mouth. She almost denied it, almost called him a liar, but as their eyes met, she saw the opposite. His eyes were as clear as water, as descriptive as a book, and they told another story. It was obvious Luka was telling nothing but the truth.

At that moment, Marinette felt her body grow weak. At a sudden loss of strength, she dropped back down to her seat, letting out a tear. Marinette clenched onto her chest as she felt it tighten, causing her to struggle to breathe. It was true! Nino had said the words.

Nino had gone behind her back telling lies. But, why? Nothing made sense to her. Why would Nino say those things? He has never been one to do that type of stuff. Why would he do that to her, to Adrien?

Marinette remained in shock. Everything around her was a blur at the moment. Not even noticing the tears spilled from her eyes as she gasped for air. Her mind wandered off as she asked herself millions of questions. There had to be a reason for everything. She tried to find a reason, one that was not clear at the moment. Even then, Marinette knew there had to be a reason for Nino to lie to Luka that way.

Marinette struggled to find a reason. Instead, her mind started replaying past events. It was as if it was attempting to give her an explanation. One by one, they began playing in her head, confusing her further. It was as if it was puzzle pieces she had to connect for an answer.

The bet about you.

Marinette, there is something you should know.

You say that now, but that will change. I know it.

Marinette, I have messed up. I have done things that I regret, many of which I am ashamed of. I have made mistakes I can not fix. Errors that will eventually come back to hurt us. I am screwed, up Mari. I am flawed, and I don't deserve you.

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