Alternate Ending

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***So, I was asked to make an alternate ending to the story with Lukanette. So here it is for all the Lukanette lovers. I hope you like it. I am sorry if it's not good. I am more of an Adrientte fan, lol. MMF***

Adrien packed his bags as quickly as he could. Not only had he been called a mistake, but she had broken their promise. Marinette knew how much that meant to him. But she betrayed him, FOR HIM! FOR LUKA! Only a week after leaving him. Marinette had done the worst thing she could have done to him.

At this point, there was no turning back. Adrien felt beyond betrayed.

The blonde bitterly laughed as tears ran down his cheek. He would have done anything to earn her forgiveness. He would have begged if he had to, but he never imagined this. He couldn't believe that while he was crying for this woman, she was in China, breaking their promise. The promise she swore to him to never break no matter what their situation was.

LIER! She was a lier. She hurt him and betrayed him without remorse. Adrien knew he had fucked up many times, but he had never betrayed in such a hurtful way. He couldn't forgive this. Adrien could never look at her the same. Marinette was not the woman he fell in love with.

Marinette Dupain Cheng was officially dead to him!


Marinette threw herself on the bed, sobbing.

She was too late.

She didn't get to him on time.

Adrien's things were gone. There was no trace of the man she loved anywhere in the dorm. She had fucked up.

She officially broke Adrien Agreste.

She should have known better.

Marinette knew that Adrien would never forgive her for this, but she did it anyway.

"Adrien, answer me, please. I am so sorry, Chaton. Please let me explain," she said as she was transferred to voicemail one more time.


Marinette cried as the casket lowered to the ground.

She shouldn't be here.

His death was her fault.

Adrien never made it to the states. He never made it anywhere. His life ended soon after he departed from the dorm. He had sped out of the university. He had lost control of his car. The crash took his life the second it impacted the tree. Adrien was gone, and it was her fault.

"I'm sorry, Chaton. I love you," Marinette cried.


"Please tell me it's not true, Alya. Tell me it's not real."

Alya tried to contain her tears. "I- I'm sorry, Mari."

"Nooo, no, not Adrien, not my kitten. Please."


Marinette had not been seen in weeks. She kept to herself. People started to worry about her health. Alya learned that Marinette had not been eating much, and her mental state was not the best. Her parents were worried for her. Just last night, they convinced her to go outside. They finally convinced her to go to dinner.

It was her birthday. That was the only reason she agreed to go out.

Marinette had no emotion. She quietly walked out of the car with no visible emotion. It was as if she was gone. Her body was there, but her heart was gone.

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