Chapter 26- The truth- part 1

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*** Hello, my loyal readers. I am back!!! I am sorry that it took me so long to update. I was sick, but I am better now, and I am back with another juicy update for you. Thank you all for the support. Please, vote, comment, share and follow. I hope everyone is safe out there. Sending love, MMF***

"Because he lied. Their relationship is all a lie."

The words replayed in Luka's head over and over again. He couldn't understand what was happening. Why would Lahiffe tell him that? Was it true, and if so, what had Adrien done to make him upset? Luka couldn't even understand the reason behind faking a relationship. "Because he lied. Their relationship is all a lie. Is a lie, is a lie, is a lie..." The words replayed again and again in his head like a song on repeat.

What did that mean? Did Marinette lie to him about her relationship with Adrien? No, she couldn't have. Nino had said he lied. He lied! What if she was faking their relationship at the beginning but actually fell in love with him? What if she didn't know and Adrien were to be toying with her feelings? Marinette was never the girl to lie. Adrien, on the other hand, was known to be a prick. If Agreste was toying with Marinette, Luka would destroy him. The professor was so confused at the events, but there was one thing he was sure of, he will find out today!

With all these thoughts swarming through his head, Luka failed to see Marinette. She had already been waiting for him in front of the university. Marinette watched as Luka walked past her, lost in thought. "Hey, Luka. Are you okay?" she asked, noticing his dazed state. Her sweet voice was like a melody in the professor's brain, snapping him back to reality.

"Oh, Hey, Marinette. Sorry I didn't see you there. Everything is okay. Are you ready for the surprise of a lifetime?" Luka asked, hoping to change the conversation. Which indeed worked to perfection as Marinette giggled and excitedly answered, "of course I am." _____________________________________________________

Adrien searched the entire school for a sign of either Marinette or Nino but unfortunately had no luck whatsoever. It was crazy to think this, but he hoped Marinette had already left with Luka. That way, the blonde could have enough time to get to Nino before Nino got to her. Thinking of another place Marinette could be, he ran to their dorm, but it was empty.

Adrien then decided to head to the last place he could think of, Nino's home. He knocked and knocked but received no answer. Alya angrily listened to the door pound and the blonde mumbling begging for Nino to open the door. She could faintly hear his desperate voice, pleading to be allowed to explain and that it was not what it looked like, but she refused to believe the backstabbing, heartless player again.

In reality, Alya wanted to open that door and punch Adrien right in the throat for being a filthy liar, but she knew Nino had a plan, and she would allow him to fulfill it. That is why she didn't open the door. Soon after, Adrien left feeling hopeless. At this point, he was feeling as if his world would soon be coming to an end. As Adrien wandered to the dorm, the world around him began to spin slowly. He was barely able to reach his dorm. His chest felt as if it held a ton of brinks on top, making it a struggle to breathe.

The light was dimming rather quickly, the walls were closing in on him, and his heart ached. You know that feeling when you feel thousands of needles painfully puncture your heart? That is what he was feeling. He knew he would lose the love of his life. His heart knew it was a matter of time before she left him for good, and it felt like death.

Adrien gripped the kitchen counter, attempting to keep his balance, but before he knew it, his body was falling hard on the ground, and everything turned black. _____________________________________________

Marinette did not expect to have such a wonderful time with Luka. To be honest, she thought it would be awkward with everything that had been happening, but here she was, having a great time. Although at first, it was a little uncomfortable. Marinette knew there was something wrong but noticed that he did not wish to speak about it. Therefore, she decided to let it go. Soon after, Luka was back to his charming self, and everything took a turn and lined up from there.

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