Chapter 32- Officially broken

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*** Surprise!!! A new chapter is out as promised. I hope you enjoy it, comment your thoughts below. Thank you for the support, it means the world to me. Sending love, MMF***

Marinette sat calmly, allowing a tear to fall as she awaited the plane's departure for China. Marinette had learned earlier that her mother had spoken with the Director of the School Board, who gladly granted her request to take two weeks off school to deal with "essential family matters," as she put it. Marinette recalls taking a big breath and feeling glad that she would be free of Adrien for a while. She hoped that the next two weeks would allow her to heal and go forward.

Marinette had wished to spend more time in China and had even pleaded with her parents to allow her to stay there permanently, but they refused, claiming that her future was too vital to be thrown away for a boy.

Marinette hid her face behind her hands as she sobbed quietly. Adrien's betrayal had gone to such an extent that she couldn't believe it. He had gotten close to her because of a bet, then used her, pretended to have amnesia, promised her love, even gave her a ring, and then kissed someone else as if he hadn't made love to her just hours before. Who did she think she was kidding? She'll never get over it, but she'll never get over him either. Marinette was still hopelessly in love with the blonde, as she had always been, despite everything he had done, the anguish he had given her, and the fact that he had never loved her.

Marinette wailed a little louder. Why had life been so cruel to her? Why did HE feel the need to hurt her so badly? Why did he have to do this to her when all she ever did was love him?

"You know, you're still the most beautiful woman on the planet, even while you're crying. However, I would prefer it if you didn't since it kills me to see you like this, and I must admit that I enjoy seeing your smile." From beside the bluenette, a voice rang out. The gentleman stared at the girl holding a worried look on his face and a nervous smile. He then proceeded to take a seat beside the crying bluenette.

Marinette wiped her eyes swiftly and turned her gaze to the source of the voice. Her eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing. She gasped, surprised. How did he know where to look for her in the first place? What made him think she'd be on this flight?

Marinette flabbergasted. "L-Luka? What are you doing here?" She asked as she wiped the leftover tears from her eyes. Luka chuckled at Marinette's reaction. God, did he love this girl! The way she always tried to be strong was most definitely one of the reasons he fell for her.

"You didn't think I would be okay with leaving you to deal with this on your own, did you? Marinette, when I said I cared about you, I meant it, and I want to be there for you in good times and bad. Of course, if you allow it, "Luka admitted it. His voice filled with love and adoration.

"H-how?" Marinette inquired, her voice trembling. She was curious as to how he learned of her departure, particularly the exact time.

"I ran into your mother."


With Marinette's baggage in hand, Sabine exited the college. She felt terrible for abandoning Adrien like that. It was evident that he was in a lot of pain. He didn't look good, but he had to learn from his blunders. Now he realized the consequences of his hasty decisions and the extent to which they may harm not only others but himself. She sincerely hoped he would be able to find a solution. It didn't take a genius to figure out that the blonde and her daughter were a perfect match.

As Sabine made it to the car, a tall man approached her with a look of worry. "Excuse me, I apologize for bothering you, but are you by any chance Marinette Dupain Cheng's mother?" The man inquired.

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