Chapter 25- Nino's revenge

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*** Hello, my loyal readers. Here is another update for you guys. I apologize for the wait. I have a lot going on. I hope you like it. This is a little filler before the drama comes, but it is equally important. The truth is about to be known. Are you ready for the tears? Like always, like, comment, and follow for more. I appreciate your support. Sending love, MMF.***

Adrien ran through the college halls as if his life depended on it. For him, it did. Marinette was his life, and without her, he would rather die. Adrien searched and searched, hoping to find his best friend. Or the guy who used to be his best friend, the bruise forming on his cheek, said otherwise.

The blond ran classroom after classroom bumping on anyone else who stood in his way, and he didn't care. All he cared about was finding Nino and explaining the events to him before he got to Marinette. Or at least finding Marinette and keeping her away from Nino long enough to explain to her the truth. Either way, he needed to do something and fast.

In all this craziness, Adrien still couldn't wrap his mind around the fact that Amy and Lila were the same. In all this craziness, Adrien still couldn't wrap his mind around the fact that Amy and Lila were the same. Or what she said about her dad paying her. Or even why she said she was doing all this to save Marinette from him. From him? He loves Marinette. She is his entire world. Why would he purposely hurt her? He finally had her. Marinette was the reason he was able to find himself, but now he was close to losing them both again. All Adrien could ask God right now was to help him fix this. Only he knew just how much he really loved the girl.


To say Nino was angry was by far an understatement. He was beyond angry! Nino was outraged, livid, and undeniably disgusted by his ex-best friend. Nino couldn't believe the lengths Adrien would go for the damn bet, and what was worse was how Adrien lied to his face as if the blonde had done it a million times before. Nino thought of him as a brother, but apparently, he was the only one who thought of it that way.

Right now, Nino hated Adrien with all his guts, but not as much as he hated himself. He should have known Adrien wouldn't change. The dark-haired male hated that he fell for his stupid lies. He regretted believing that Adrien still had some good left in him, that he wouldn't be capable of hurting Marinette like that. But most importantly, he hated himself for coming up with the stupid bet.

Nino truly believed Adrien could be saved from himself, but he had been far from right, and for that, he hated himself more than he hated Adrien. As soon as Nino arrived at his apartment, he slammed the door and screamed out in frustration. How could he have been so stupid?


Alya arrived at the apartment to find her boyfriend pacing back and forth, rubbing his face in frustration. Nino had not heard him walking in. He was so deeply lost in thought of what to do that he failed to notice anything happening around him. Alya stood still for a second as she watched her boyfriend walking back and forth angrily, mumbling things to himself.

This was most definitely not good. Alya had only seen Nino act this way when a man disrespected her once by grabbing her ass in the store, and Nino lost it. He gave the man a beating of a lifetime. Needless to say, it took four men and her yelling to get Nino off the guy. She was almost sure Nino had killed him.

"Nino? Everything okay?" Alya asked nervously, afraid to come too close. She didn't know why he was so upset. For all she knew, it could be something about her. Her voice caught his attention. "I'm going to kill him! He is dead to me! I don't want you anywhere near that motherfucker!" Nino yelled out hatefully. "Who?" Alya asked, genuinely confused, walking closer to him. What in the world was happening? Who was he talking about?

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