Chapter 8- Home sour home

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Adrien looked everywhere for Marinette, but he had not been lucky. He was not sure why, but he was worried sick about her. At that moment, he didn't care if she hated him. All he wanted was for her to return home safely. After looking all around the campus, he stopped to breathe and think for a minute. "If I were Marinette, where would I be?" He asked himself. "The park," he yelled out excitedly. He remembered all the times he found Marinette in the park after an argument, or when she simply wanted expiration. Adrien remembered how she sat on the bench in front of the fountain and stared at the water, attempting to control her breathing.  Yes, that was definitely where she would be.

It took Adrien but a second to begin to run out of the campus and towards the park. Unfortunately, as he was about to leave campus grounds, he was stopped by the redhead from class.  

"Hello, Adrien, right?" The girl said in a flirtatious manner. Adrien mentally gagged. Looking back now, he wondered why he ever thought being this way was a good idea. 

He hated this, and he just noticed how disgusting it all was. For the first time, Adrien felt disgusted with himself. No wonder his princess hated him. 

"Yes, that's me. I'm sorry you are?" Adrien extended his hand to greet the girl. "Amy, we are in class together," she responded, shaking his hand. To be completely honest, Adrien couldn't wait to get out of there. All he wanted was to find his ladybug. 

"Pleasure to meet you, Amy, but I really should be going."  "Really? I thought we could have some fun," Amy said, sending him a wink. "Thanks, but my friend is waiting for me," Adrien lied. He couldn't do this anymore.

If you asked him, he would tell you it was because of the bet, but the reality was, his heart wished the girl that was here right now was Marinette.  

"Who? Your princess?" Amy asked mockingly before letting out a laugh. "Wow, the Adrien Agreste is now whipped, and by a baker girl nonetheless. I never thought I'd see the day." Adrien gritted his teeth. 

Why did he ever like this? He couldn't stand these girls, especially when they talked crap about his princess. Maybe he should break her like the other so she can learn a lesson. 

"Me, whipped?" Adrien laughed loudly. Those who truly knew him would have known the laugh was forced. "How about we go back to my dorm, and I'll show you just how whipped I can be?" He added seductively. He had made up his mind he would break her heart and confidence for talking bad about Marinette.


Marinette sat in the park thinking about how she got here in life. She wanted to complain and ask for a different dorm, but she knew her mother would be disappointed in her. She was always told to work through her problems. 

But, Adrien really? Out of all the people in this world, why Adrien? Was this an Agreste thing? Just like his father, he wanted to make her life difficult. At least Mr. Agreste had an excuse. He didn't like the competition, but what is Adrien's excuse?

How did things change so quickly? 

Marinette hated to admit it, but her heart still pounded erratically at the sight of Adrien. Oh God, how would she do it to make it past the school year? Marinette couldn't get that image of an almost naked Adrien under her. She literally had to run out of the bathroom just to try to control her body. She felt her stomach turn, her legs turn to jello, her heart quickened, and want. She wanted him, she felt like one of those hormone-crazed girls he normally would make out with, and that disgusted her. He had broken her, hurt her as no one else had, she hated him, but then why did she still want him? 

The sky began to darken. Deciding she had been here long enough, she began to walk back to the dorm. Home sweet home as some would call it, but for her, it was sour as could be. She hoped Adrien wouldn't be there, and if he was, she hoped they could at least find a way for them to co-exist without getting too much in each other's way. Perhaps they could talk and be civilized. 

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