Chapter 47- A celebration for two

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Marinette's heartbeat was irregular. Adrien's appearance filled her with a distinct sense of warmth and joy. She knew it was inappropriate to say it, but he was the one person on the planet she actually desired to be present on her big day. Marinette grinned as she watched her friends dance while loud music played in the background. Alya and Nino had apparently planned an after-party to toast her potential success. Marinette chuckled as she saw Nino dancing like a fool. She was extremely fortunate to have such incredible friends. They were so confident in her that they arranged a party even before the inauguration.

Marinette grinned as she recalled her earlier phone call with Adrien. Both of them seemed to have had a successful night. She chuckled as she remembered his bragging about being correct. "M'Lady, I warned you. I had a feeling you'd sell every single design you made." Marinette burst out laughing. She imagined him doing his little victory dance in a secret location.

He'd been correct. MDC Designs were so popular that they sold out within minutes. People were already attempting to place orders, so the owner had to ask her to bring the design copies in so they could recreate more of them. "Who knows, maybe you and the Gabriel brand could partner," a woman said. After that, Marinette couldn't help but picture her and Adrien working side by side for life. 

Adrien. That blonde really made her day. Yes, her designs had sold out. Indeed, that was a great start to her career as a designer. But that was not what made her the happiest. No, it was not. What made her happy was that Adrien did everything he could to be there for her. The notion alone made her heart feel full, and even though he had to leave right away, the fact that he took a risk for her meant more than he could ever imagine.

Marinette bit her lower lip and sighed contentedly as her hand reached up to stroke her stomach. Marinette couldn't help but believe Alya was correct. Adrien may be a fantastic father. He has shown himself to be mature and capable of becoming a caring father. Marinette was no longer unsure about his right to know. All she had to do now was figure out how and when to do it.

Speaking of the blonde she loved, his call made her feel whole. He'd sneaked out for a few minutes to make sure she understood why he couldn't remain longer. He was concerned that his abrupt departure might have upset her, so he wanted to explain himself. He then proceeded to share the incredible news with her. Adrien shared that the investors consented to continue investing in The Gabriel Brand after he occupied leadership. They adored him, and some even apologized for believing the rumors. Adrien told her everything, even shed a tear or two as he admitted to her that for the first time ever, his father had told him he was proud of him. He had never heard those words from someone other than Marinette before.

The funny thing was that his success was all thanks to his actions and Marinette's heartfelt speech. Apparently, amongst the crowd stood a big fan of MDC Designs and the spouse of the biggest Gabriel Brand investor. Mrs. Anderson.

Mrs. Anderson had refused to miss the inauguration of MDC Designs. In fact, she was secretly Marinette's most substantial commissioner. All her high event clothing, including the one she wore this evening, was part of the MDC Designs Brand.

Thrilled to finally have an opportunity to meet the designer in person, Mrs. Anderson recorded her entire speech, including the interaction between the blonde and the young designer. Her heart melted as she caught his wink and unique words for the designer. You can imagine how she felt the second she found out that the same young man on the video was the future of Gabriel Brand.

It only took her seconds to send the video to her husband, who forwarded it to the rest of the investors. By the time Adrien had managed to return to the event, everyone in the building was talking about him.

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