Chapter 51- Never a joke

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Adrien couldn't believe the contents of the box.

His heart pounded.

 His hands were sweaty.

The world was spinning. 

And everything leads to this moment. 

He couldn't believe it was really occurring even as he held the pregnancy test in his hand. Was this a prank played on him by his lady? There was a period when the two would play tricks on each other simply for fun and games or amusement, as many would call it.

However, something of this magnitude would not be at all funny. The blonde had fantasized about starting a family with his princess for so long that he would never forgive her if it turned out to be a prank.

Adrien looked up at his princess only to see her smiling. Why was this funny to her? Was it all a game? Something to get a reaction out of him?

"Marinette, is this real? Princess, are you really pregnant? It is not a joke. Right? Tell me this isn't a joke!" Adrien stammered, his eyes continuously going from hers to the pregnancy test in his hands. "Princess, if this is a joke, I-I-"

Marinette shook her head, feeling nervous. "It's real, kitty," Marinette whispered, placing her hands around herself to cover her stomach.

Adrien was at a loss for words. Should he let out a joyful scream? Should he hug her? What exactly did this imply? Would they finally be able to get back together? Isn't it true that it was his? Is he capable of being a good father? What if she accepted to marry him while she was still pregnant with his child? Did her parents find out about it?

Oh no, he was dead meat. They'd kill him if they discovered he'd gotten their daughter pregnant before asking for her hand in marriage. He did not care. He'd die a happy man.

"How? When? Does anyone else know? For how long? I'm going to be a father! The baby is mine. Right? I am not saying it's not, but you know, with Luka- I mean, I-" he stammered before being interrupted.

Marinette giggled at his reaction. While other women might have been angry with the question, she was not. Marinette knew he would have his doubts. It was her fault, after all. She had stupidly started a relationship with Luka one week after her breakup and was intimate with Adrien one week after that. Only to call him a mistake and return to Luka the following day. How could Adrien know she hadn't been intimate with Luka or anyone besides him?

"I never slept with Luka, Chaton," Marinette confessed. Adrien gasped as he heard his princess's words. Deep inside, Adrien knew his lady with never betray him that way, but the reassurance felt great.

"That night I returned to you was the night that changed our lives forever," Marinette added softly. "In more ways than one, Chaton," she said, giving him a soft smile.

Adrien returned the smile with tears in his eyes. "That was the night I knew I would never stop loving you. I followed my heart, leading me into your arms."

"We failed to use protection, Chaton. After everything that happened, I was scared to be with you, so I returned to Luka. But I never allowed him to touch me, that I can promise. The baby is yours, Adrien. OURS." Marinette closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Confessing this was the hardest thing she had to do.

"After that night, I was distracted by the designs and commissions that I failed to realize I was late. I began to get sick, but I thought it was stress. It was not till the day you made me go to the doctor that I realized I was late." Adrien continued listening silently.

"I asked Alya to go with me, and the doctor confirmed it. Scared, I asked Alya to keep it a secret. I am sorry for not telling you. I am sorry for keeping it a secret this long, but I was scared." The end was but a bear whisper. It was not like Marinette to be scared. She proud herself of having the ability to be fearless, but somehow, when it came to Adrien, she was always afraid.

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