Chapter 6- Dormmates

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Adrien admired his dorm before walking toward his side of the room. The designers had done an amazing job. They had followed his exact instructions. The colors were perfect and the setting was brilliant. Just like the pictures they had once designed together. 

He was sure she would absolutely love it, or at least he hoped. It had been their dream.  Adrien held a smile as he took in all the details. He felt proud of himself. At first, it started as a way to be close and find a way to hurt her, but if he was being honest, he had felt the strange need to make her happy. He hoped she loved the arrangements he made. His smile was as wide could be. That was until he remembered the bet, and a frown replaced it. 

He should be happy. Nino had picked the same girl he wanted revenge on. Not to add who was forced to share a dorm with him, but then, why did it bother him so much? 

Adrien sat in his bed thinking of yesterday's events.

 He still couldn't believe that Nino had chosen Marinette as the receiving end of the bet. Adrien felt confused. Out of all the girls, why did Nino choose Marinette? Was Nino that confident he would lose if he chose her? Nino knew the truth, so why did he choose her? Did he think he would back out if it was her? Didn't he know he always got the girl, so why choose Marinette? Did he want to see her hurt? Maybe, he was just confident he will fail, but if he didn't, she would be heartbroken. 

Marinette was supposed to be his friend, so why did he seem okay with the idea of Adrien breaking her heart? He was the one who set the bet. He was setting Marinette up for a world of pain! This was not like Nino to do. Marinette was like a sister to him, he would never intentionally cause her pain, so was he missing something? 

Adrien's mind then wandered to the conversation he had witnessed between Marinette and Mr.Couffaine. The memories made his chest tighten more and more by the second. Adrien did not trust Luka. The thought of Marinette being in a relationship with that man filled him with anger, resentment, pain, and disgust. He also felt a bit scared, yet he didn't understand why. 

Why did he feel this way? He should feel happy that he finally had a reason to hurt her or more like a way to hurt her, but then, why was he struggling to take it? She had hurt him. In the beginning, he was to blame and Adrien knew that. But he had tried to fix things, and she hurt him. Told him to get out of her life. Even after everything they shared, she pushed him away like a worthless piece of shit. She broke him! He needed revenge, he needed some sort of closure. Yet his heart was telling him to use this opportunity to get closer to her like he wished to do back then. This was the chance he needed to mend their relationship. 

"No, snap out of it and shut up heart, I have to break her! Break her as she broke me." Adrien knew he now had the advantage. All he had to do now was make her love him. He would pretend to love her, and she would fall for him. It would be that easy, right?


Marinette packed her things slowly. She had just received the news that her dorm was finally ready. She had waited two weeks for her dorm. Luckily Alya and Nino had rented an apartment down the street from the school and allowed her to crash in their guest room until her dorm was ready. 

As she packed, she replayed yesterday's events in her head. Luka had basically asked her out. He said he would wait until she was ready. He was most definitely a dream man, but why didn't her heart do flips as it does with Adrien?

 Did that mean she was not ready for a relationship? She figures her heart still beat that way because she still had the hope Adrien would be the boy he once was again, but why didn't it want to stop? She hated him. He hurt her. Why? Why couldn't it just end? 

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