Chapter 2- Putting up with him

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Alya stood frozen in shock, staring at her best friend as she walked away. It wasn't a secret that Marinette hated Adrien with a passion, but she was never one to be hostile. Usually, she would ignore him, and move on, but this was certainly unexpected. Was it sad to say that she was impressed? 

"I see she still hates me," Adrien spoke, snapping her out of her thoughts. For a bear second, Alya noticed pain in his eyes and voice, but before she could say anything, it was quickly masked by his usual cocky smirk. "But, that will change soon," he added smugly. Alya felt flat-out annoyed. Wow, Adrien really was a jerk. Marinette had been right. She really believed he could change, and things would go back to normal, but it turns out she was wrong and Marinette was right. 

Adrien Agreste only cared about himself. She didn't really notice before since it seemed as if when they were alone, like during the summer, he was the old Adrien. The Adrien that cared a lot for Marinette and played Ultimate Strike 3. But now she wasn't so sure.

 Alya was not sure what to think anymore. One thing was certain, she hated this new popular Adrien he acted like during school hours. Truth be told, if he and Nino weren't best buds, she probably would have stopped talking to him a long time ago. But then again, Alya truly believed Adrien could change.

Alya folded her arms as she glared at the cocky Adrien that stood before her. "Did you ever stop and think why?" Adrien placed a hand under his chin, and pretended to be thinking before replying, "because I'm awesome, and let's not forget crazy hot." Alya felt her anger rise and begin to cloud her better judgment. Could this jerk take anything seriously? 

"I heard about your little plan," she said angrily. "Yeah and?" "Stay away from her, Adrien. You have hurt her enough, leave her alone or so help me God I-" Alya was interrupted by her long-time boyfriend and Adrien's best friend. "Hey babe, hey dude," Nino called out fist-bumping his bestie and then wrapping an arm around his girlfriend's shoulder, and kissing her. 

Alya remained quietly glaring at Adrien. "What's going on?" Nino asked, feeling the obvious tension between the two. "Nothing man, your girl here is not happy about the new dorm setup, or me being around my princess," Adrien replied with a chuckle. Nino gulped, Adrien was like a brother to him, but as much as he loved him, he agreed with Alya. Adrien's actions were not something he condoled. While Nino did understand Adrien's feelings, there were other things he simply couldn't get. For example, why did he keep trying to get close to Marinette? It was clear the bluenette didn't want him. 

But unlike the others, Nino knew something about the sudden change of behavior

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But unlike the others, Nino knew something about the sudden change of behavior. Many times, he attempted to tell the girls but ended up changing his mind due to the promise he made to never tell. 

"Dude, you know I-" "Look bro as much as I want to hear this, again. I have a hot redhead waiting for me. Later, dude," Adrien cut him off, before walking over to a freshman, and start making out with her. 

Adrien couldn't understand why his friends wanted him away from Marinette. Okay, maybe he did understand, but did they really think he would do that to her? Why did everyone believe he would hurt her? They didn't know how he felt! They didn't know what he thought, so why automatically scratch him off because he had made out with a few lousy girls. Most of them knew that he didn't want a relationship, it's not like he hid that from them.  There was only one girl he wanted to be with. It always has been her.

If he did what he did of becoming a player was all for her. To protect her! Protect her just like he has been doing this past few years. None of them knew about it, but he did it. Secretly, but always.

 But at this second, Marinette was starting to piss him off. She treated him like shit and say things that would make others believe he was too. An hour ago, he only wanted to get close to her, but now? Now he wants to teach her a lesson. If she thought he was shit, then he might as well be it. Marinette Dupain Cheng would break. He would make sure of that. Her heart will break just as he has for all these years.

No one could hurt Marinette. No one but him that is.

"Remind me again why we put up with him?" Alya asked Nino, watching Adrien with a disgusted look on her face. "Because he is our best friend. Well, my best friend. Look, I know it's hard to believe it, but the real Adrien is still there. He just lost his way. I have to help him, we have to help him," Nino said, pulling his girlfriend for a hug. 

"We can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped, babe. He changed Nino, the Adrien we met in middle school is gone, and maybe it's time we quit trying to bring him back and move on," Alya stated sadly. She wanted to help, she wanted things to go back to normal, but Adrien had become as heartless as his father. How do you fix that? Marinette was her best friend, and Adrien was hurting her. 

She couldn't understand how Adrien went from the sweet and honest boy with a heart of gold to a heartless player who only cares about himself. All their friends suffered his wrath. Rose, Juleka, Alix, Sarina, hell even Lila were all destroyed by the heartbreaker. No one was saved from the heartless prick with the name of Adrien Agreste. 

"You know, at first, I believed that if anyone could change him, it would be Marinette. I was one hundred percent positive that he loved her. In fact, I know he did. I knew she was hurt at the beginning, but I always thought she would have forgiven him if he asked, but that didn't happen, and somehow he managed to push her away completely. He broke her before she even got the chance." 

Alya felt her heart undeniably breaking just thinking about how things ended between the two. Many times she wondered what happened for Adrien to turn this way. This wasn't him, he always hated the idea of becoming that way. He stated it so many times. He believed in love and soulmates.

 So, what changed? 

Alya's words made Nino think, he knew she was right. If anyone could bring Adrien back, it would be Marinette. Because Alya is right. Adrien did love Marinette. He would have given up the world for her. He spent many nights listening to Adrien vent when his jealousy overpowered him. He hated any other guy to be close to the bluenette. Then he made sure to spend any and all free time with her. Now why he changed and began to do what he did he never knew, but he was sure Adrien had a reason. He has never meant to hurt Marinette. He loved her. Maybe still does. Otherwise, why do all this now? Marinette was special. He knew this well since he had a crush on her himself once upon a time.

 Alya is right when she said he didn't want help, but what if they tricked him? Adrien needed to be tricked into thinking he was in charge. Except for this time, it would be against someone that he could never beat. Marinette Dupain-Cheng herself. The one girl that would no longer fall for his charms. See, Adrien was positive to win her over again, but Nino knew better. Marinette would rather die than fall for the boy who will most likely break her heart. 

She despised him. Ever since that night, she hated his guts. Nino was there, he knew exactly what had happened. Another secret he kept inside that was eating him alive. But he respected Marinette. He knew if she wanted anyone to know she would have spoken about it, but not even Alya knew. In fact, Adrien didn't even remember. But Nino knew. If only he knew what he had done. If only he remembered the damage he caused to her heart. If he did, even he would stay away for good. But since he couldn't remind him, then he will just trick him into changing.

 But since he couldn't remind him, then he will just trick him into changing

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You see, there is one thing the new Adrien just can't say no to. Nino looked at his girlfriend before saying the two words that will later hurt them all. 

"A Bet." 

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