Chapter 53- A new future

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*** The ending is coming soon. I have been struggling with ending it. I have loved writing this so much, and I hate that it must come to an end. But please let me know if there is any other type of stories you want me to write. Comment, message me, and follow. Sending love, MMF***

Marinette was exhausted emotionally. It had only been a few hours since she had awoken, yet the intense chat with Luka had utterly depleted her energy. Marinette sighed as she rested her head on the steering wheel. She knew the pain was the ending result of all of her worrying and sobbing earlier in the day. Her headache was excruciating, but it was worth it.

Marinette exhaled deeply. It felt as if she had lifted a massive weight off her shoulders. She was free to follow her heart now that she had no secrets from either man. Marinette grinned as she pondered the situation. She was overjoyed that Luka didn't despise her altogether. Marinette was sure he would have, but she had been wrong.

Luckily he understood. Marinette could not believe how great he was. It meant a lot to her to know that he would have stood by her side and accepted Adrien's baby if she had chosen to go with him. Marinette hoped Luka could find a girl as incredible as him to love and care for him the way he had done with her.

A tear streamed down Marinette's cheek. Luka had been incredible, but the sight in his eyes when she told him the truth crushed her heart. It was one of the hardest things she had witnessed in months. Marinette was sure that the pain in his eyes would haunt her sleep.

Marinette despised herself despite the fact that their chat ended positively. She blamed herself for causing Luka pain. She loathed herself for squandering so much of his time, but mostly, she hated herself for having broken him.

It had all been her fault. Marinette knew she would love Adrien for the rest of her life the second she saw him. Love was the catalyst for her pregnancy on that fateful night. She should have been honest with Luka then. That night was no mistake, and she regretted ever believing it was.

Marinette inhaled deeply before starting the automobile. She was unsure of her future destination. She had left Adrien sleeping in the Agreste mansion. Marinette pondered whether he was still there or had awoken and returned home. Marinette worried whether Adrien had kept the pregnancy a secret or opted to tell his father about it. The bluenette was nervous. She was hesitant whether or not she wanted to witness Gabriel's actions regarding her pregnancy. Marinette sighed. She couldn't be afraid forever.


Adrien sat in his bed, feeling confused. He looked around for Marinette but had come up short. His princess had left before he had even woken up.

At first, he wondered if the events from last night had happened at all. After all, it wouldn't be the first time he dreamt of Marinette telling him that she was carrying his child. But that's when his eyes landed on the pregnancy test on the table by his bed.

Adrien sighed in relief. He thanked the gods that it had not been a dream. His princess was pregnant with his child.

The model smiled at the memories of their talk. Marinette promised him a new future. A future together, him and her, as one. But then, where was she? Why did she leave? Had she changed her mind?

Picking up the test, Adrien bit his lip, feeling his eyes begin to water. He hoped that his lady had not changed her mind. Adrien loved her more than anything in the world. He wouldn't be able to handle her calling last night, another mistake.

"Adrien, are you okay, son?" A voice coming from in front of his bedroom door said. Startled, Adrien jumped up, dropping the pregnancy test. "Father!"

"I apologize you left the door open while searching for Miss Dupain Cheng," he replied, his eyes landing on the pregnancy stick on the floor.

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