Chapter 36- It's really you

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***Hello, my loyal readers. As promised, here is the new chapter on The bet. I hope you like it. It will get a bit emotional and or a bit confusing from now on, but I promise it will all come together soon. As always, don't forget to vote, comment, and follow. Thank you for your love and support. Sending love, MMF***

"M'Lady?" Adrien questioned again, stumbling closer and closer to her. Marinette took a deep breath and closed her eyes as she noticed Adrien reach out to feel her skin. He had to touch her skin. Adrien needed to verify that his princess was really in front of him at the moment. It was no secret that the blonde model was in a drunken state. He had been for days, if not weeks. Throughout which the blonde imagined his lady's presence, but just for a few seconds before realizing it had all been illusions. But this time had been different. She had spoken. He was sure she had said his name.

Adrien remembered all the previous times he had seen his princess. During those restless, painful nights, Marinette would appear by his side. Her bluebell eyes would stare deep into his green ones, showing him all the pain he had made her feel, yet she never cried. Marinette never moved, never spoke, and most importantly, would disappear upon his touch.

But this time was different. Adrien was sure of it.

His lady had tears in her eyes. She looked broken, and Adrien was sure she had spoken. That wasn't an illusion! It couldn't be!

As Adrien's hand reached to touch the soft skin of his lost love, Marinette stepped back. For a second, she had thought of giving in to his touch, but as she felt the heat of his hand come closer to her skin, she knew she couldn't allow it. The bluenette had to avoid his touch at all costs.

It had taken a lot of strength to show up today, and even more not to run into his arms the second he walked into the dorm, but his touch, that damn magical touch of his, was the one thing she knew would bring her to her knees.

Marinette held her breath. She had bearly avoided his touch. She just hoped he wouldn't attempt it again as she was not sure she could be so lucky the second time. With one single touch, Adrien had the power over her. Her mind, heart, and body. Everything was his with a simple touch.

The young designer's heart pounded as her eyes met his for the first time in two weeks. How was it possible that one man could make her feel such powerful emotions? How was it possible that she still loved him even after knowing she was nothing but a bet for him?

It was the first time coming face to face with the man who turned her entire existence and love into nothing but a bet.

"Hello, Adrien," Marinette spoke coldly. At least attempted to, as the pain made her voice break. As angry as Marinette was, nothing could compare to the hurt inside. She might have had a chance. She'd probably despise him, but three factors conspired against her in the end.

The sight of the love of her life drunk and broken hurt her more than words could ever describe, even more than learning of the bet itself. How was it possible for Adrien to look ten times worse than the picture her best friend had shown her? It was more than evident he had not been eating. The guilt that she had started dating Luka only a week after leaving the man in front of her. Marinette worried that everyone was correct, and she made a mistake. She started dating Luka without giving Adrien a chance to explain himself. More of so now that she knows how he reacted when he found out and begged her parents to intervene, claiming he loved her.


"Honey, I brought you some cr-" Tom halted upon seeing his only daughter in tears. "Oh, darling. Are you okay? What is wrong?" He asked worriedly, setting his plate down and hurrying towards his little girl.

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