Chapter 20- Lies, drama, and surprises

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*** I am back and calling all my loyal readers. Here is another chapter for you with a surprise. Guys help me make this story number one. Vote, comment, and share. Announce to your followers that I am here. I appreciate your loved and support. Sending love MMF***

"Adrien, answer me, what bet?" Marinette asked again in a humorless tone, crossing her arms. Adrien felt his heart pound, fear overpowering his body. Panicking, Adrien quickly thought of a response.

 He couldn't let Marinette find out about the bet. If she did, that would mean the end of their relationship, and Adrien couldn't let that happen. He had just gotten her back after so many years, he would not lose her again.

Turning around to face her, Adrien gave Marinette a weak smile, and replied, "T-the bet? M-Marinette is not what it sounds like! What Nino meant to say was that we named the bet after you. T-the Marinette bet." Adrien stammered throughout the entire sentence. He had never been so scared in his life. He knew that whether he loses Marinette or not depends on her believing his lie.

Adrien felt as if Marinette's eyes were burning a hole through his soul, and they almost were. Marinette stood still, glaring at the two men without saying a word. It was evident she did not believe a word Adrien had just said. 

Adrien gulped.

 He kept praying for God's help in his head. He knew he had done wrong in the past, but ever since Adrien got back with Marinette, he had been trying to fix that. Upon noticing Marinette's reaction, Adrien continued talking, attempting his best to earn her trust.

"Princess, the bet is nothing, I swear. What happened was that one day Nino was making fun of me for not s-standing up to my father and being scared. Then he just had to add how you had more guts than m-me. In the end, it resulted in a bet. I had three months to stand up to my father or I would lose, and since he had mentioned you, we decided to call it after you. Y-you, believe me, r-right, M'Lady?" Adrien asked nervously.

Nino rolled his eyes, annoyed at his friend. The best liar in the world was only able to come up with that crapy lie? That was the saddest lie he has ever heard come from his best friend's mouth. Even he didn't believe that one. 

But at the same time? If it was only about the bet, then why was he so afraid? He almost looked like he would die without Marinette. No, that couldn't be it. His eyes were definitely playing tricks on him. 

Nino was about to let Adrien suffer, but upon seeing the distress his friend was in, he once again found himself doubting. Adrien was stammering, his hands were sweating, his posture was stiff, and his eyes hinted at what seemed to be fear. 'If Adrien was only doing all this for the bet, then why is he scared that Marinette finds out the truth?' Nino asked himself. 'Maybe he did fall for her. Nothing makes sense anymore! I have to find out the truth.' With that, Nino decided to help his friend.

"It's true, dudette. Adrien here was so convinced that he could stand up to his old man that he bet his lucky charm to prove me wrong. He said he could be as brave as you. That is why we named it after you, but I guess it does sound wrong now that I think about it," Nino added, playing along to Adrien's lie. For now, that is because if Nino finds out Adrien is purposely trying to hurt Marinette, so help him, God, he will make him suffer.

Adrien let out a breath of relief. For a second, he thought Nino would screw him over to win this bet. He was almost starting to believe this would be the last time he saw the love of his life standing in front of him. Adrien knew if Marinette ever found out, she would never forgive him. He really couldn't lose his princess. Adrien rather die than lose her, but he couldn't let Nino know that. He would laugh at him. Adrien would be a joke. For years Adrien told Nino that he was over Marinette. Nino would laugh if he ever found out that had always been a lie.

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