Chapter 38- Adrien's side

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***New Chapter for all my loyal readers. It is a bit long. I hope you like it. Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow. Thank you again for all the love and support. MMF***

"Yes, I did."

Marinette felt weak. It was as if her body had lost every ounce of strength it had seconds prior. She fell on the nearby chair and remained silent. She couldn't even explain what she was feeling at the moment. It was as if she had a bit of every emotion at once; anger, sadness, disappointment, fear but mostly disbelief.

How could he admit to something so messed up as if it was nothing? Why would he do this? Had he no heart?

Adrien's hands shook as he admitted to his mistake because that is what it was; the biggest mistake of his life. As he noticed the look of anger and disbelief on Marinette's face, he feared the worst. He knew he had to continue before she acted on her feelings and walked away from him again.

"Marinette, when Nino told me it was you, my heart stopped. I can't even begin to explain how I felt exactly. I was so confused. I had told myself I hated you for so long I think a piece of me was starting to believe it, a small part, but it was there. I was not sure what to do. At first, I assumed I agreed because I wanted revenge on you for breaking my heart. I wanted to prove to Nino that the old Adrien was gone. I felt if he knew the truth, he would think I was the weak little boy my father always said I was. It also didn't help that he wanted to take my charm from me." 

"I figured if I won the bet, I would get what I wanted, and you would get to feel the pain you made me feel all these years. But that feeling lasted for only seconds because I quickly realized that I was wrong. I was hurt when you were mad. I wanted so badly for you to approve of me. I tried doing whatever made you happy so you'd have the want to have me close. Marinette, I realized all I ever wanted was to be a part of your life again. No matter how much I tried lying to myself. The truth was, I just wanted to be loved by you. I believed the bet was fate giving me another chance. A chance to be with you. A chance of happiness."

Marinette watched as Adrien approached her chair and got on his knees in front of her. Before she could understand what was happening, Adrien took her hands on his and continued talking.

"But that realization only scared me even more. I was afraid to fail and lose you for good. I then used the bet as motivation," Adrien spoke as he stared deep into her bluebell eyes.

"I used the bet as my shield. I wanted to protect my heart. I knew that every rejection and insult you'd throw my way would hurt like hell, so I used the bet as a way to shield my heart from the pain. I figured I was only lying to myself, so how could this hurt anyone else?"

"It worked for the first few days. I kept telling myself it was for the bet, and I was able to deal with your rejections. It helped me not give up. I kept trying and trying. I kept getting back up after every rejection because of it. The bet was never relevant, nor did I do it hurt you. I used it to motivate myself because the only thing that always had been important to me is you, princess."

Marinette allowed tears to run down her cheeks. The longer Adrien spoke, the more she wished she had talked to him before doing what she did. The more she realized her mistake, the more it hurt.

Noticing her tears, Adrien let go of her left hand and reached to wipe them away. Marinette couldn't help but lean to his touch. She missed him greatly. Nothing in the world could compare to the feeling he gave her. She loved him with all her heart, but in the end, would love be enough?

"M'lady, there were many times I forgot the bet existed. Yes, it is true that I kept my part in it after finding out you were the chosen girl, but not as a game, not to hurt you, but as motivation to win you back. My heart has always only beaten for you. Everything I said and everything I did was as real to me as it was to you. I swear."

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