Chapter 35- An unexpected surprise.

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***I'm back!!! Hello, my loyar readers. Guess who is back with a brand new chapter on the bet? That's right! I would like to apologize for the wait. I had many things going on and was distracted for a while, but I am back now. I hope you like the new chapter. As always thank you for the love and support. Don't forget to vote, follow, and comment your thoughts. Sending love, MMF.***

He was no longer recognizable by anyone. The once cheerful, handsome, flirty blonde had vanished, and a stranger had taken his place. He wasn't seen by many people anymore. Some even assumed he'd dropped out of school. Those who had seen him said he was no longer the same person. Adrien would go to his classes and then shut himself up in his dorm for the rest of the day. He hadn't spoken to anyone in a long time.

Adrien had lost his will to live. Marinette was all he desired. He was looking for his princess.

Gabriel struggled with his son or the guy who resembled his son. Adrien was different. He had changed into a man Gabriel himself didn't recognize.

Adrien had morphed into a wretched version of Gabriel. He had shut out the rest of the world. Adrien stopped attending his scheduled photoshoots, refused to answer his phone, and despised it when people just checked on him. Gabriel worried for his son. He looked like he would die from exhaustion. It was as if Adrien was lifeless. 

In the span of two weeks, Adrien had changed drastically. It was obvious the blonde was going down a path of self-destruction. He looked horrible and almost unrecognizable.

Some even believed he was on drugs. Which to some extent was true.

Adrien had let himself go. His golden locks were now messy and unbrushed, dark circles adorned his once shiny green emerald eyes, and his Gabriel brand clothing had been replaced with ugly, dirty, broken, unbranded ones. No one knew the reason for the model's sudden change, but it was evident he no longer cared. Adrien Agreste was broken.

Alya and Nino also worried for their friend. Adrien had even refused to come into any contact with them. After that awful day when the Dupain Cheng's refused to help him, Adrien had changed. The couple was frightened of the model's well-being. They were positive the blonde was not eating. The model had lost a massive amount of weight in a matter of days. They wondered if he rested at all but soon noticed it was more than obvious he hadn't.

Just last night, the couple realized things were far worse than they had ever expected. Upon visiting their blonde friend, they noticed the ex-model had resulted in heavy drinking. They were sure there were more than a hundred and fifty bottles on the dorm floor.

As they walked further into the dorm, they found their blonde friend shirtless and crying in a corner, holding what Alya believed was the promise ring he had given Marinette the night of the club. But what was more alarming was the state of Adrien's body.

Alya covered her mouth, attempting to silence her gasp. His body looked dirty and almost bruised, and his ribs were now visible.

Adrien was beyond weak. It was clear that Adrien had not only deprived himself of sleep and food but was intentionally harming himself.

Both Alya and Nino held back sobs at the sight of their friend. It was evident that this was Adrien's way to punish himself. It was as if he was attempting suicide in the most painful way. Adrien wanted to suffer. He wished to end his life. The couple knew they had to do something, and they had to do it fast.


Marinette and Luka unboarded the plane and walked towards the exit hand in hand. Both felt nervous about what was to come, but neither spoke of it. Instead, they silently awaited Sabine's arrival. She had promised to pick them up from the airport. That came as a relief to Luka, who had hoped Tom would not show up. For some reason, his girlfriend's father could not stand his guts. Most importantly, he did nothing to hide it. That came as a surprise to Marinette. Her father had never disliked anyone before, so why did he hate Luka so much?

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