32. Surprise Kisses

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Arriving back in Austin late afternoon on Friday, I'm greeted by my two favourite people amoungst the crowd in the airport.

"My girl, it's so nice to have you home."

Dad's hugs can only be described as crushing. "Dad, if you don't want to take me to hospital with a broken rib, you may want to let go." I jest, as a spike of discomfort comes from the skin around my tattoo.

"Hello sweetheart." Mum gives me a tight squeeze around my shoulders and kiss on the side of my head. "You don't know how much we missed you." She coos into my hair.

"Thanks mum, I missed you both as well." Being back with them is truly relaxing. Any tension I was holding from weeks of being away and being alone while flying home are gone, just like that.

Dad wheels my bags behind him as we chat about the flight and how Kelly and Stacey have been, when mum whispers that they have a surprise for me as we get closer to dads car. Right on que, I hear a familiar, very American, female voice.

"Doll, you better get that sexy ass over here, right now!!"

My head snaps over in the direction of that voice I adore. Dani's smile is taking over her gorgeous face but she was not prepared for me.

Running at her, I jump into her arms, wrapping myself around her frame. Her cheerleading reflexes kicking in just in time so we both don't come crashing down onto the concrete floor. "I missed you too." She laughs loudly in my ear. I don't even care that I probably smell stale and like air plane food, I'm so happy to see her.

The entire drive home, my head stays resting on Dani's shoulder as we all chat quietly, the jet lag already starting to set in making my brain all mushy and disconnected. 5pm Austin time is 8am Sydney time and I got little to no sleep on the plane so I'm pooped. Mum and Dad grab us all takeout before we make it home and without fail, I fall asleep on the couch in a happy food coma.

Around 3am I wake up bright and bushy tailed to a very quiet, dark house. Hauling myself off the couch I make my way into my room, noticing Dani isn't in my bed as I expected her to be.

I'm thankful she's probably in our guest room because now I don't need to tiptoe around attempting to not wake her up. Grabbing some clean underwear, trackies and a hoodie, I head to the bathroom and take a much needed shower, making sure to treat my skin and hair to some nourishing oils and moisturiser. Once I'm smelling like a pretty human girl again, I start unpacking my luggage instead of trying to get some more sleep.

By the time everyone wakes up, I'm completely unpacked, have already done 2 loads of washing and starting to think about second breakfast. Dad makes us all bacon and scrambled eggs and I practically inhale them along with my second double shot flat white.

Chilling on my bed after we both have some good looking food babies, Dani and I are chatting about our last 5 weeks.

She loved my new additions to my body and praised my bravery to get both the piercings and tattoos. Bravery was a bit much, but that's Dani. When she saw my 'wounded + worthy' tattoo, I could see her curiosity rise and instantly asked what it meant. I explained that it was to remind me that even if I feel broken I'm still worthy of living a full, happy life. She liked that.

I could tell she wanted to ask more, possibly have me elaborate but I moved onto another topic in the same breath. I could have told her the full story right there and than. I probably should have, it was almost on the tip of my tongue, but I didn't have the emotional energy for that conversation today.

One day soon. Maybe.

Dani was my closest friend here and holding this part of me back felt wrong like I was keeping a part of me away from her.

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