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That Friday Dani's having a lose at the lunch table.

Yanking at her hair, head dropped staring at her organiser in front of her. On the flip side, everyone else is super happy. Next week's Thanksgiving Break, giving us all a week off.

I'm obviously not use to Thanksgiving and whatever that means for people. I'm just happy I have a week off from school.

Dani, though. She's fucking stressed.

"I need to get this sorted today!"

"Dan, you still have two weeks before the dance." I try and calm her, eyeing up Christian to try and help me with his kind-of-kind-of-not girlfriend. He just rubs her back.

Great work there buddy. That's going to help her with her problem.

"No it's not two weeks.'' She whines. ''Most places are going to be shut for a few days next week. The bands I've called are already booked or way out of the budget and I don't want to be worrying about the music, which is pretty important right. You need music at a fucking dance, yes?" She's nodding, looking at people at the table like someone's going to tell her she's wrong and she doesn't need to worry about it anymore.

The fact she swore tells me how anxious she is about the whole thing.

Using my best calming voice I try again. "Dan, I'll help you ok. Please don't pull your hair out. It's really pretty... Have you asked Mase?"

The table goes quiet, all eyes locked onto me. "What? Is there like a spider on me or something?" I look down at my chest and shoulders.

Dani's wide eyed. "Why would we get Mase?" They all turn to look over at the boy across the cafeteria and back at me. It's comical how in sync they were.

Chuckling at them. "Why wouldn't you? Mase is an awesome DJ. Haven't you heard his remixes. They're exceptional."

"Hang on, hang on... are you and Mase friends?" Dani deadpans.

"Yea, why?"

"Of course you are. Weird finds weird." Ashely mutters from a few spots down.

Completely ignoring the annoying blonde I stay on task. "Dani, would you like me to ask Mase if he'd DJ for the dance? I'll go ask him right now if you want. That way, if he says no you can go back to pulling your hair out?" I stand without waiting for a reply.

Strolling over to Mase's table I catch his attention and he gives me a big smile. I don't know what everyone's problem is, Mase is great. He's witty and funny, has the best Spotify playlists and remixes like a boss.

Yea, his outward appearance could warn you off him, but he's a gentleman. A gentleman that rocks dark wear, painted black nails, piercings and a permanent bored face everywhere he goes. He's like a talented dark cloud. I do wonder what he wears in Summer though. No way could those layers be comfortable.

"Hey Masey."

"Watcha doing over here on the dark side my friend?" He shifts over so I can take a seat next to him.

Straddling the bench seat, I wink. "You know I enjoy stepping into the darkness every now and than, keeps things interesting."

"I'm sure you do." He leans on the table folding his arms watching me.

"Weird question, but you going to the Winter dance?"

"Who wants to know?"

"I do."

"I wasn't planning on it."

"Didn't think so."

"Not really my scene."

LEILA {ongoing}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें