34. Temper Temper

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By the end of Music with Mr Heckles, my patience is wavering. Actually, scrap that. It's left the building and flown back to Australia where I'm considered an adult and don't have to pretend to respect my condescending teacher.

He was so patronising I had to hold Tara's hand while counting backwards from 100. I don't know why he hates me, but he does. I didn't even do anything this time.

Walking in with Tara we were giggling over how Paul is a simp while he rolled his eyes at us, but then nodded behind his girlfriends back at me mouthing "totally" and that's all it took for Mr Heckles to bark at us to take our seats. From then on, he ignored me.

It's a real shame because I thoroughly enjoy music class. Playing the piano is soothing and harmonising along with the other singers always brings a smile to my face. Out of everything I would still have preferred a dance class, but as that wasn't something this school had, music it was.

The one good thing about the class was that I was able to chat with Sally a little bit and just happened to casually bring up Mase. Her cheeks turned rosy and I had to stop myself from reaching out and pinching them. She's so cute. She also has a voice on her. For a small girl, she can belt it out like no ones business.

By the time I walked to gym, I had organised to have lunch with her tomorrow and sent Mase a quick text letting him know that this wing-women's skills are legit. His reply of pink heart emoji's made me snort out a laugh.

Mum is our Gym teacher this semester, thank goodness, but when she told me we were swimming, I groaned. I loved swimming but for the first few weeks after the tattoos, I needed to keep them dry so no swimming for me, especially not in a public chlorinated pool.

So while the girls all headed into the locker room, I moseyed on out and sat on the concrete stands, chatting to Mum about my day. She too, doesn't love Mr Heckles and rolls her eyes with me when I let her know how he was.

"Do you want me to talk to him." She offers.

"Oh, fuck no. I'm pretty sure he thinks I get special treatment because of the both of you so I think that would make things worse." She nods in agreement. "I've already started going through a few songs I might want to perform for the Spring concert, I'll just have to practice when he's not in the music room or at home."

"Ok, but if he interferes in your practicing, you let me know, ok."

"Yes, mu-Mrs Stevenson." Smirking at her when I notice a few students making their way into the pool area.

It's still pretty chilly in here, even with the warm humidity of the heated pool so Dani and co. come out in their school track pants and jackets.

I'm still wrapped up and cosy in my puffer jacket, snacking on a chocolate covered protein bar when my friends all look at me confused.

"Doll, why aren't you changed?" Dani enquires when she comes to sit next to me and cuddles into my arm. Mica taking a seat on my other side while Elijah sits behind me.

It frustrates me that I'm so aware of him now. I'm aware that he's watching me even though I can't see him and that, if I leant back even slightly, I'd be able to lean against his legs which are practically on either side of my hips.

'Get your shit together, Leila!'

Leaning towards Dan, I whisper, "Tats." Sending her a pointed look as she replies with a 'ah.'

I've been very careful of my rib tattoo all day, especially when Mica keeps tucking me into his side. I've managed to keep my arm between us as much as possible so it doesn't get hit accidentally. I would have thought my ankle tat would be the more painful one, but surprisingly it's fine, safely covered and tucked into my wool socks and docs.

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