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"So I was wondering, did you want to come over to my place this afternoon?"

I fake gasp and fan my face. "Oh, Taylor! I'd love to meet your parents. I didn't know we were up to that stage." Fake sniffing, wiping a non-existent tear from my eyes.

"You're such a dork." He rolls his eyes at me with a grin on his face. "I was hoping you could help me study for Lit. You free?"

We're in Gym class, in the schools fully equipped gymnasium with weights, ropes and even a boxing ring. Like, why? All the athletes have access 24/7 to this part of the school.

I'm spotting Taylor while he lifts 105kg over his chest.

"Yea, I'm available. I'll head home first though and grab a few things... and maybe a shower?" I wrinkle my nose as I get a whiff of myself.

Before spotting Taylor I had completed a sweat inducing 20 minute jog and now with the weight session, I desperately need a shower. My baggy T-shirt sticking to me annoyingly.

Placing the bar back on the stand, he huffs out. "Didn't bring a change of clothes? Why don't you use the showers here?"

'Because I don't want people to see.'

"No reason, I just like my own space." Smiling at him. He must find this answer adequate because he just nods. "I'll get Dani to drop me home and swing past your place."

"I can take you." He offers. "I can drive you home and than to my place. Where do you live?"

Apparently he drives past my street everyday so I take him up on his offer.

"Have you talked to Coach Hale about helping us out as the manager yet?" I had completely forgotten about that. Dad hadn't mentioned anything about it either so it slipped my mind with the party, the date and being in pain for two days.

'No, not a date. Hangout.'

"I totally spaced on that. I'll talk to him a bit later. You guys train tomorrow yea?"

"Yea Monday and Wednesday afternoons every week and we train in the mornings but mostly that's just gym work."

"And than you work out in gym class... that's ludicrous!" Horrified by his exercise regime.

His warm chuckle meets my ears. "How'd you think I can look like I do." He lifts his sweaty shirt that were hiding his cut torso and impressive V.

Admiring his fine lines. "Yea, fair enough." Forcing my eyes to leave Taylor's well defined stomach and focus on his cheeky gaze.

With his lop sided grin he teases. "Like what you see?" Lowering his shirt.

"Do I have a pulse." I deadpan.

His bellowing laugh caught a few of our classmates attention including my mother's who was our teacher for today. Raising her brow at me was all I needed to know that we needed to keep it down.

Mum didn't care if we talked or joked, but disrupting the entire class was a no-no.

Giggling at him as I shushed him we got back to our workout. He helped my with my bench press and weighted squat technique while I kept telling him to be quiet while in mid set. Sometimes I forget how chatty Taylor is when you're one on one with him.

Walking with Dani after class is done, we head across the school grounds towards the seniors car park. As I let my hair out of the pony tail it was in for gym I hear my name being called out. Turning I see Taylor jogging towards us as he passes Elijah and Mica.

"I thought you were coming home with me?" He yells out.

"What's this now?" Dani's eyebrows almost meeting her hairline.

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