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Friday night football with Tara has become one of my favourite evenings of the week.

You think she's all sweet and cute and shy and then you put some face paint on her and she turns into a warrior woman.

"WHAT THE HELL REF! That's total BS!"

She's standing, fist in the air while Paul and I are snickering on either side of her.

Since Halloween, Paul and Tara have been spending a lot more 'quality' time together. It's super cute.

He's been texting me all week with idea's on dates and how to ask her out. Considering I've never been on a date or been asked to be someone's girlfriend, I've scoured Pinterest for ideas.

He was considering taking her to an NFL game, but seeing how riled up she gets he decided against it. Good call.

"So are we heading to the party after this?" Paul attempts to start a conversation with Tara, but her focus is purely on what's happening down on the field.

"Yea, we can..." Mouthing 'didn't you want to be alone' behind Tara's head. Paul just shrugs and smiles at the girl he is crushing on as she scowls, glaring daggers at the ref's.

Once we arrive at Dani's place I congratulate the players as I make my way into the Kitchen. Tonight's shin dig is much more low-key. By low-key I mean, the entire school hasn't turned up. It's mostly the team, the cheer squad and a few ring ins, like Tara, Paul and I.

"Girl, get yourself a brewski and make your way upstairs." Dani calls out to me as she grabs Christians hand.

Why those two aren't official is beyond me.

Grabbing myself a beer, Taylor and I chat as we walk upstairs as directed by Miss Dani. Over the weeks, I've gotten to know Taylor pretty well.

Like I thought, he may seem stoic and uninterested, but the big burly footy player is a softy. The other day, Brad walked past this small junior, bumping her books out of her hand. The douche didn't even stop and say sorry. Taylor though, bent down apologising for his friend and helped pick up the scattered books.

Chivalry isn't dead after all.

"Hey, I was wondering if you could help me with Lit. Elijah said you're top in their class so any chance you could help me study before exams in a few weeks?"

"Yea, that should be fine. Just text me what your schedule looks like and I'll see when I'm free."

Biting the top of his lip, he lets me know he doesn't have my number. Holding my hand out, he passes me his phone. Entering my number, I send myself a quick text so I have his.

"There," I smile. "Now, don't go abusing it, I'm a very busy woman don't you know...with my zero extra-curricular activities and binge watching Netflix, my time is precious." I wink.

"Really? I don't know any senior that has that much free time! Maybe you should come join our team. Coach Hale told us tonight that we need a new Manager." Shrugging at me. "You get along with everyone so maybe it'd be a good fit."

"Um... I'll think about... Hang on, if I have to wash your gross towels, I'm out." Pulling my head back, wrinkling my nose at the thought of stinky boys and their stinky towels and uniforms. Receiving a happy chuckle from him, we join the group upstairs.

"Ok beautiful people, and Brad. We're playing Truth and Dare. Who's in?"

I'm out. "Yea, Dani, I'm just going to go back down stairs. Ok, have f-"

Grabbing the back of my denim jacket, she forcefully pushes my to the ground and sits next to me. "No, bestie. You ain't getting out of it that easily." Smiling her evil smile.

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