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I scared the shit out of mum this morning.

As she walked into our kitchen to turn the kettle on, she looked up and screamed bloody murder.

I bugged out, flinching so hard I fell off the dining chair onto the floor.

"LEILA! What the hell are you doing up this early!?" Mums huffing and puffing, her hand over her chest staring wide eyed at me.

"Fricken hell mum!" I stand rubbing my shoulder. "I'm not that hideous am I." Joking with her.

"Sweetness, you know you're gorgeous, stop fishing for compliments. It's..." She looks down at her fitbit, "8am. Why are you awake. Better yet, why are you awake and out of bed?... Oh my goodness." She gasps, rushing over to me placing the back of her hand on my forehead. "You sick sweety?"

Swatting her hand away. "No mum," sighing. "I'm fine. Just had a shit sleep so decided to get up and eat something."

Her gaze full of concern. "You sure? You're not in pain or anything?" Shaking my head. "Ok, good. Why couldn't you sleep? I heard you tiptoeing into your room around 1am. Didn't think you'd be up for a few hours yet.

"It's just been a weird week, couldn't shut off."

"Ok. Want to come for a run with me?"

"Yea, I'll come. Hey, is Dad up yet? I need to talk to you both."

She giggles. "Ooooo, are we in trouble." As Dad walks in.

"What did I do know." Dad says playfully.

"Well... You two have been caught canoodling at school and now rumors are flying around that you're both cheating on your spouses."

Dad smiles but scrunches his face up. "Really!?... That's pretty funny, though." He chuckles.

"A couple of the cheerleaders were talking about you two last night at the party. Apparently, Dad, you're reaching. Mum's a hottie it seems."

"It seems!? Naa, she's an absolute hottie." He taps her on the butt. Both of them grinning at each other.

"I love you both, but also, ew. Anyway. You both have been busted... Do we tell people you're married or just let it run it's course?"

"Let them have their gossip." Mum decided. "It will be funny when they realise we're married." She smiles placing a hand over her mouth.

Dad wraps his arms around her. "Look who the evil one is now!"

She points a finger between the both of us. "You two are are a bad influence on me!" She's not wrong.

Dad fixes his eyes on me as mum walks back over to the kettle. "What're your plans today, my girl?"

Taking a sip from my coffee. "I'm hanging with Elijah today."

Both my parents mirroring each other, eyebrows shooting up, give me their full attention. "Elijah. Elijah Bennett. As in the Elijah Bennett I coach."

Shrugging I just nod at him. "And what are you both doing on this hang out."

"Honestly, I have no idea. But he said he wanted to hang out, so, yea."

"Sweetheart. Do you mean a date?" Mum enquires, Dad stands next to her taking the cup Mum is handing him.

"No, I mean hang out. It's not a date." Both my parents slowly nod, look at each other and turn away from me. "C'mon, parents! Don't look at me like that. I made sure it wasn't a date. So it's not a date."

Dad looks back at me over his shoulder. "Whatever you say, my girl." Grinning like an idiot at me.

Muttering. "Whatever." Finishing off my coffee, I grab my dishes and wash them, ignoring both my parents and their stupid grins. "I'll be down in a couple minutes, Mum."

LEILA {ongoing}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora