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Regardless of the mood I went to sleep in I woke up smiling from ear to ear. Less than 24hrs and I will be on a plane heading towards my best friends and the Aussie summer weather.

The tears didn't last long last night. I was too annoyed and tired to be sad. Luckily my body was exhausted from the massive wee and Dani working me all day yesterday, sleep came swiftly. Thank God.

Instead of my usual 11am Saturday wakeup time, I was bright and bushy tailed at 8am. Mum and Dad both had huge sports days ahead but had made a big effort with breakfast this morning cooking up more than the three of us needed, including my favourite, waffles.

I have a sneaky suspicion Dad is stress cooking. It's the final game of the year for the team and his only daughter is leaving the country for a month. I'd be amped too. Actually, I am amped but obviously not for the same reasons.

Don't get me wrong, I'm nervous on behalf of my Dad and the guys, but I'm not under pressure like they all are, especially because a few are vying for college scholarships and the only way they are even going to be considered is if they are part of the leading teams in the state.

"How you feeling, Dad?" I enquire before taking a massive mouthful of waffles, strawberries and whipped cream. It felt very decadent to be eating breakfast that tasted like dessert.

Sighing out he blinks down at his food. "I'm surprisingly nervous. We'll be fine even if we don't win, we're ahead by enough but it would be good for morale going into next semester." He sighs again. "These waffles are helping though." He winks at me. "Let's not talk about the game though, how was the dance? Bennett keep his hands to himself?" Not at all. "Are you finished packing for tomorrow?"

The way our night ended flashes through my memories before any of the dance has a chance but suppressing the shit out of that I go into a big explanation of how Dani's a crazy event organiser that delivers, that Paul and Tara are adorable and are now dating, how Dani and I had a dance off that Mica interrupted and basically won and that I didn't realise how much I missed being with school friends at a dance.

Mum was laughing holding her chest while Dad kept rolling his eyes every time I mentioned one of the guys being a fool but he had a big grin the entire time so I know he found it amusing.

"But to answer your other question, no. I'm not packed, that's what today is for, with the game as an intermission. I've thrown a few summer clothes into my bag but I'm trying to keep things light. I'm literally living in a car for four weeks with two other girls that enjoy multiple outfit changes per day so I'm going basic and if I need something I'll just grab it while I'm there."

"I can't believe we are going to be in different countries for over a month." Mums lip trembles slightly. "I'm excited for you sweetheart, I really am. But as your Mum, I'm also a tad sad."

"I've got my girls, Mum. We'll look after each other. Promise."

Nodding, she fiddles with her fork. "I know you all will." Peering up, her eyes are slightly glossy. "Doesn't mean I won't miss you or worry. Plus, you won't be around for Chrissy."

Dad throws his arm over Mum's shoulders bringing her into his side. "Honey, don't make her feel guilty. We bought her the tickets already knowing all this. Plus, we've never really celebrated Christmas, not really."

Sending my dad a grateful smile, I reach over and hold mums hand which she squeezes.

"I don't want to make either of your heads bigger, but you do know you're the best parents I could have ever hoped for. Thank you for letting me do this with my girls. I really need this."

No more words were said as we all smiled at each other, mum holding back her tears as dad and I smirked at our heartfelt mother and wife. Don't get me wrong, Dad's a sap, especially for his only daughter, but still, Mum beats us with her heartfelt words and warm emotional embraces all the time. Her mother instincts are strong and I love it, even if Dad and I give her shit for it sometimes.

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