40. His Question

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Eyelids dry, tongue furry and my neck is aching

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Eyelids dry, tongue furry and my neck is aching.

Generally not how I like to wake up. But I guess this is my situation this morning.

As my mind focuses on my toes, slowly moving in wooly socks, to my lower back that is extremely to warm, to the heavy weight over my waist, I allow myself a moment to work out my bearings.

'I'm on a couch. Lying on my right side.' Facts. 

Peeking one eye open a smidge, I instantly regret it. The white light filtering through the windows burns my retina eliciting a silent hiss and slight, full body twitch. 'I drank too much last night...this morning?'

This little mind-to-body exercise did, however, clue me onto the fact that both of my hands are currently occupied.

'Why do I have an unusual Deja Vu feeling right now?'

Very cautiously, I open the same eye and follow the line of my left arm that's draped over the edge of the couch. Someone's holding my hand. But wait, there's more. Twitching my right hand, the feeling of holding another hand slowly dawns on my addled brain.

Quietly groaning, I lift my head to really take everything in.

Bodies litter the room. A smirk tugging at my lips when I notice Brad sprawled out on the recliner at the end of the couch opposite, Simmons head resting on Brad's thigh. Man, I wish I had my phone right now. What a cute picture they make.

Peering over the couch, I see that messy blonde hair before his sweet face comes into focus. My hand under his own, pressed against his abs. 'Needy motherfucker.' That tug of a smirk turning into a soft smile.

I tense when the warm body behind me rolls closer, tightening their hold on me. Once Eli settles, I full on grin when he presses his nose into my hair, takes a deep breathe and settles on a happy hum.

Definitely, deja vu. Except, instead of feeling like I need to extricate myself from either of them, I'm at ease. These are now my friends. My good friends who would never hurt me. I'm safe.

Gently, I tug my hand from Mica's soft grip and slowly turn towards the boy I've come to really like. My movements cause him to stir, but the only enough for him to pull me into his chest as his arm rolls over my side, his hand skating up my back coming to rest at the nape of my neck.

Still very much asleep, his hold on my neck draws me to him for a gentle kiss against my lips and cheek before he relaxes and his breathing evens out again. Realising if I stay here too long I'll just be creepily staring at his handsome face, I very slowly and as gracefully as possible, I attempt to get up. I'm also dying to pee so being slow and quiet is a feat.

Stirring, my head whips to his sleepy, smiling face. "whereyagoin?" His gravelly, sleepy voice has me grinning all over again. Lowering myself, I plant a soft kiss against his puffy lips, whispering against them, "I need the bathroom. I'll be right back."

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