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I learnt a lot about Elijah in a span of 20 minutes before he drifted off to sleep with tears still soaking his eyelashes.

First of all, he had a little sister, Jasmine, that died when she was 8 in a car accident. His Mum thankfully survived. Apparently, Jazzy would have loved me and we would have gotten along as well as I do with Lucy.

Another thing I learnt is that his parents live in another state, which is the reason he lives with Mica. Both of their parents were close friends back in the day. He still contacts them regularly and they still support him as much as possible but he resents them for leaving him here. Even though he didn't want to move with them.

Also, Elijah hates being alone.

As he spoke, I silently listened, running my fingers through his hair. The only time he smiled was when he mentioned how Jasmine's favourite game was hide and seek and that she was actually really good. A few times the boys panicked because they couldn't find her. One of those times, she had shut herself in the oven. When he told me I had a mini panic attack myself, before chuckling along with him.

As he slept, he held onto me like I was about to vanish. 15 minutes later I sent out a group text demanding everyone get their arses back to the car, pronto, or I was leaving without them.

My bluff worked.

Softly prodding Elijah awake when I saw Dani and Christian stumbling toward us, I roused him enough so that I was able to scootch out from under him and start the car up, blasting the heater. He did try and put up a sleepy fight. Arms tightening around me, whining that I was a meanie for waking him up as he nuzzled into my jacket. He finally relented when I pinched his side promising that I'd tuck him in when we got home.

The drive home was, unfortunately, eventful. Nearly every single one of them needed to stop, at different times may I add, to either puke or piss on the side of the road. Classy. What was a 30 minute trip blew out to and hour and I was about to throttle the next person that whinged they wanted to stop for snacks.

By the time we got back to Mica's, it was safe to say I was done. I still needed to drive us girls and Christian back to Dani's place.

'Another 15 minutes and I can fall onto Dani's plush guest bed.'

"Everybody! There's extra beds and couches galore. Once Grandma parks, head inside.'' Mica announces as I drive up his street.

''Geeze Mica, did you have to yell!" Reprimanding him. "I'm doing the speed limit!" I love him but it's 4am and my brain is starting to scream at me to close my eyes. ''And once I drop you and E off, I'm driving us back to Dani's.''

''Noooooo! I want a sleepover.'' He whines and huffs.

''Yea! Sleepover!'' The girls all agree.

Dammit. Maybe I can just drive myself home. I want my own PJ's and need to wash the camp fire scent out of my hair.

Parking and shutting off the engine, my movements are sluggish. All the tipsy people around me sprint to Mica's front door. I wish I had alcohol induced energy right now.

As I'm about to open my door, it's opened for me and I'm turned by my knees. Elijah taking spot between them. "Hey pretty girl, you tired?" He enquires as he runs his hands up and down my thighs.

Gulping. Yep, I actually gulp. My brain isn't aware enough to know what to do with how his hands are causing a rush of heat to flit across my body. "Yea." Lamely replying.

"C'mon, I'll carry you in."

"No, no. I'm just going to drive home. Here." I hand him Mica's keys. He narrows his brows looking at the keys in his hand. "So you can all get in."

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