Chapter 1

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Aleya and I burst into laughter, and when Lina tried to shush us, we just had to giggle even louder.

"This will forever not be not funny," I wheezed, and Aleya laughed so hard that her laughter wasn't even audible anymore.
Lina couldn't suppress her grin either as she looked at us with twinkling, dark green eyes. "I mean, I still don't get why you thought that was a good idea."

Aleya nearly choked on her fair blond curls while doubling over in laughter, almost hitting her head on the table in the process. "Me neither! I told you it wouldn't work!"

I almost died from suffocation, I was laughing that hard.

A high but determined voice interrupted our laughter, and the giggles died down-although we still really struggled not to burst into laughter again.

"Is there something funny you want to share with the class, Miss Dunchester, Miss Tygris, Miss Smith or Miss Fletchly?"

We blushed but still couldn't stop grinning.
I swallowed. "No Professor Flitwick, we're sorry."

Aleya bit her lip and I knew that she was thinking the same thing. Would Professor Flitwick even remember the incident that had happened in our fourth year and still had us in laughing fits?
Probably not. Back then, I had only laughed and walked to Madame Pomfrey.
The woman had been mildly surprised when a girl with a quill stuck in her palm had walked in, still grinning as if in shock.

But no, I hadn't been in shock. It had just seemed funny to me back then and still did now.
Aleya had had a bad day, and I'd wanted her to do something that would get some steam out. So I had held up some parchment and told her to use her quill to slam a hole that would tear the parchment apart.
I mean, she had hit the parchment, but at a spot where my hand had been holding it.

It was not funny to anyone but us. So we couldn't exactly retell the story in front of the class now.

Professor Flitwick sighed when he saw our amused expressions. "Have you at least managed to make the quills dance?"

And I just burst into laughter again- I couldn't help it! But mere seconds ago, my dancing quill had been so close to poking Aleya and it just reminded us all of this old incident.

I couldn't help my behaviour. I was a teachers pet, the proud Ravenclaw that I was, but even my urge to uphold my image couldn't stop me from being a natural crackhead. I rather was a crackhead than a striver, as long as I still managed to uphold my grades.

Valerie answered Professor Flitwick's question, sitting up straight and putting on a serious face. But since I was sitting next to her, I could see how she bit the inside of her cheek to prevent herself from grinning. "We did, Sir."

Professor Flitwick's reply let the laughter die in my throat. "Alright, so one of you can help Miss Meadowes over there. Miss Tygris?"

I instinctively glanced behind me, where the four Gryffindor girls were sitting, already looking at us because of the laughing fit we'd just thrown.
I forced a smile back on my face.
"Of course."

I stood up and felt as if every eye was on me as I walked towards the Gryffindors.
I was inwardly panicking and my hands were trembling a little bit, as so often when I was nervous. I wasn't good at talking to people, always scared that I'd annoy them, so I never spoke up first. I didn't dare to talk to strangers, especially when they were Gryffindors.

Sure, I'd known them for six years, but I had never talked to any of them, aside from Lily, who I occasionally exchanged a few words with at the Prefect meetings.
Gryffindors made me feel uncomfortable because they were these easy-going and super popular people, especially our year, with the infamous marauders. And popular people never talked to me, I was way too socially awkward for that.
Funny that the Sorting Hat had actually considered putting me in Gryffindor.
I wouldn't have found friends, that's for sure.

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