Chapter 62

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"Why us again?" Sirius asked Moody in disbelief.

"Black, the last time you and Tygris did this was almost two months ago," Moody replied only a little annoyed.

"Was it?" Sirius asked completely cought off guard. "Feels like last week-"

"Maybe you should get a job, Sirius," Marlene teased jokingly. "You're clearly losing track of time with all that free time you've got."

Sirius didn't seem to find the fun in that statement.
"I'm doing stuff for the Order! And I'm helping James with his parents; I'm very much using my time."

"I was only kidding, sheesh." Marlene raised an eyebrow.

Sirius sighed. "I know, I'm sorry. I just hate being stuck indoors."

"Hey,"I finally spoke up, trying to lift the mood in a joking manner. "You're making it sound as if you don't want to spend time with me."

"I just don't like the way we spend the time together, dear Freya. You know that."

I nodded, smiling. My friendship with Sirius had never felt fake, so I had no trouble believing him. "Now, let's get to the map. As soon as we start this, we'll be done sooner."

"Wise words," Marlene agreed. "I'll join Remus and Dorcas, then. You two have fun."

"And you take care," Sirius replied after she kissed him goodbye and gave me a brief hug.

"Of course." Marls winked. "You're not getting rid of me so easily."

"I hope so," Sirius only mumbled when she made her way to Dorcas.

Soon, all of the order members departed and fulfilled their missions. Sirius and I were left to watch the map.

"Soo," He said, not tearing his eyes away from the parchment on the table in front of us. "Any news? Or spells you've got to practice?"

"Nope, not this time," I replied cheerily, leaning back on my chair without my eyes leaving the map.
"You know, maybe we should keep tracking the Order members, too. That way we always know where they are and can help in emergencies."

"Hmm." Sirius propped his chin on his hand. "But maybe that's too risky when the map gets into the wrong hands. We just want to spy on people or hand them in, but they will straight up kill us when they find us. So I don't know if we should risk them having a way to track us, you know?"

I stared at him for a little while, thinking it over. It would help us send backup to Order members that needed us, but he was right, it would also be very risky. "You're right, we should be careful."

We fell into a comfortable silence, both not really knowing what to say.
We just kept looking at the map, and at some point I had gotten up and had made us some tea.
"Hey, look." Sirius suddenly pointed at a spot near north England. "That's a new spot. Someone must've hit a new Death Eater."

The dot disappeared. "He must've disapparated." I sighed and leaned back. "But hey, here's a new spot-" I pointed at London. "That wasn't there a few seconds ago. Maybe the person apparated there?"

"They either have a meeting or they're going home. Would be good if we knew where they lived," Sirius confirmed.

"Let's wait a few minutes and see if they go away or if others join," I agreed. There were approximately thirty dots on the parchment and we had to try and keep an eye on all of them.
"This one in High Wycombe has been there for quite a while, right?"

Sirius bent over to look at it more carefully. "You're right. Let's write down the address, that's probably where they live."

I nodded and used my wand to zoom in on the little city. "Hillview Road 19," I read out loud, and Sirius quickly pulled some writing utensils closer and wrote it down.

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