Chapter 28

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The next week I had been pretty busy with patrols, Quidditch practice and studying, because I'd finally started to do that.

Aside from the few little meltdowns whenever I panicked because I didn't have enough time to memorise everything, I was doing great.

That was, until the final Quidditch game of the season arrived.

Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw.

A match I was dreading more than ever.

It was Sirius versus me.

So I had mixed feelings. I wanted to win, of course. Ravenclaw had trained its arse off and we really deserved to win the Quidditch cup. We hadn't managed that ever since my first year at Hogwarts.
But at the same time, I knew how much the Quidditch cup meant to James and Sirius, too.
I'd purpusefully never brought the subject up around them, but now I couldn't ignore it anymore because the match had arrived.
I was scared that they'd be angry with me if they didn't win, which really dampened my mood, although deep down I knew that that wouldn't be the case.

Despite the hollow feeling in my stomach (nerves and fear), I was determined to give my best in this game.

We were currently entering the open Quidditch pitch, welcomed by loud roaring, cheering and booing. It was the finale, so almost the whole school was watching. The Gryffindors came toward us from the opposite direction, and my eyes caught Sirius'. He winked at me, and while my heart fluttered, I smiled in return.
James smiled at me and gave me a little wave, before fixing his gaze on Madame Hooch.

"Captains, shake hands."
James and Aleya did as they were told.

I gulped down the nervous lump in my throat, focusing on what was in front of me: The game.
Whatever consequences it would bring, I'd deal with them later.
Now it was time to stay focused and determined- and win this cup.

The Slytherin girl spoke in her microphone. "The players mount their brooms and Madame Hooch takes the Quaffle. She throws it- and the game starts!
Gryffindor's captain Potter catches it and passes it to Chaser McKinnon, who's heading for the hoops and- Goal for Gryffindor!"

As always when I was playing Quidditch, I zoned out and only concentrated on the Bludgers, and not the commentary.
I even forgot about the fact that I was playing against my friends - until I lost a Bludger to Sirius.
He reached it earlier that I did and didn't hesitate to send it to Aleya with a forceful swing of his bat.

Michael wasn't anywhere near her, even though he was in charge of the Chasers' defence, and Sirius' aim was spot on.
"Ow, Black almost hit Dunchester with a Bludger - that looked kind of personal," the Slytherin commented.

The Bludger went past Aleya, not even a full inch away, and the crowd gasped when she dropped the Quaffle. Marlene McKinnon caught it, passed to James and he converted it.

Maybe it was my imagination, but I think I heard Sirius mutter "Maybe it was," over the cheering noises, before he flew off again.

I risked a quick glance at the score board. 90 to 70 for Gryffindor.

To win the Quidditch cup, we had to either catch the Snitch or lead with 100 points before Gryffindor ended the game. I gulped.
That was close.

With new determination I focused on Gryffindor's Seeker. Ravenclaw wasn't leading with 100 points, so our best option was to catch the Snitch- and for that, I had to keep the opposite team's Seeker busy and distracted.

A Bludger from Michael flew in my direction, and I immediately sent it to the Seeker. She looked surprised when she had to duck away.

I luckily didn't have to send more than three Bludgers her way (I felt a little mean doing that), because I could hear a murmur go through the crowd.

Our Seeker had spotted the Snitch!
I had kept Gryffindor's Seeker so busy that she was at the complete opposite side of the pitch than the Snitch!

Just as she headed off in a hopeless attempt to maybe catch the Snitch anyway, Marc's hand shot forward and he ended the game.

"Ravenclaw's Seeker Mallom caught the Snitch! Ravenclaw wins the Quidditch cup!!"

I almost couldn't make out the voice of the commentator over all the cheering. I was ecstatic, to say the least. We had finally managed to win the cup!
Celine was the first to cry out in joy after we had all landed and rushed into a group hug, and we all joined her cheering very soon after.

I felt tears of happiness in my eyes when Madame Hooch brought over the silver Quidditch cup, handing it to Aleya. She held it up high, and the cheering turned even louder.

From the corner of my eye, I saw the Gryffindor team standing on the floor, with bitter expressions but clapping anyway.

All of us Ravenclaws were really in the mood for the party the seventh years had planned in case we'd win. But when we left the pitch to return to the castle, I stopped when I heard a familiar voice call out my name.

I turned around to look at James and Sirius.

I couldn't read their expressions, and my enthusiam faded away to make space for nerves. "Yes?"

It got quieter when my team members kept walking and distanced themselves from us, whereas I was walking back to meet Sirius and James.

A weight lifted from my shoulders when I saw that they didn't look angry. But still, I couldn't read their expressions aside from that.
Sirius was biting his lower lip, and James looked pretty down. Still, they forced sad - but genuine looking - smiles on their faces when I came to a halt in front of them.

James sighed. "We're sad, of course, but still happy for you. Your team was just the best one this year, so you deserve it. Congratulations."

A relieved smile spread across my face. "Thank you!"
It was a little unfamiliar to me to have people congratulate me when I achieved something they hadn't. It felt good. It made me feel much less bad about my success (or rather, their defeat).

Sirius held his arms out for me to hug. Even though we both probably didn't smell great, I happily melted into the embrace. It felt as warm and safe and comforting as always.
"It pains me to say this, but your team really was better," he admitted, and I chuckled. "Congrats. I'm proud of you."

My heart fluttered more than I could describe and the warm and fuzzy feeling in my body intensified. "Thank you," I repeated happily, not really wanting the hug to end.

"You're welcome," James said, still pretty depressed, as Sirius let go of me. Then a new glint appeared in James' eyes and he started to smirk. "But don't feel too high and mighty now, Quidditch Champion," he said the last words in a mocking voice. "Gryffindor will get the cup next year."

I shrugged, then I faced the Quidditch captain with a challenging expression. "We'll see."
James mirrored my actions. "Yes, we will."

Then he winked at me. "Go, enjoy your party. We'll wait for Marlene. See you around!"

"Bye," Sirius ruffled my hair. (Without success, though, because it was in a ponytail.)
"See you tomorrow," I happily waved at them and turned around to join the other Ravenclaws- actually, I was really looking forward to the snacks at the party.

And when I happily skipped all the way to my common room, there was only one question on my mind.

'Could this year get any better?'

Sooo I should really do homework and learn now.
I can't wait for the next chapter tho, so I hope that I'll be able to update again soon.

Bye! Thanks for reading!
Stay happy!

Xoxo, your fangirl

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