Chapter 20

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"Welcome home, bitch!" Francisca held her arms out as soon as the front door fell shut and I ran into them.
"Hi, bitch," I laughed.

Francisca's and my relationship was a weird thing.
We hadn't really gotten along at first, always annoyed by one another. But after I'd gotten cut off from Valerie and hadn't known what else to do other than turning to my sister, we'd gotten pretty close - but still always annoyed each other. And calling the other bitch had basically become our love language.

Francisca always used to say that she had always found me super annoying and hated me, but the older I'd gotten, the more acceptable I had become.

And the common hatred towards one certain person at home also brought us closer to one another.

"Mum said you had news?" I let go of her and lead us to the kitchen, where I had been helping setting the table before I'd heard the front door open.

My sister nodded giddily. "I got my results two days ago! I'm now officially a Healer at St. Mungo's! I passed!"

"Yesss!" I joined in on her excited squealing and hugged her again. We were laughing, bobbing up and down together. "I'm so proud of you! I knew you could do it!"

Francisca let go again and sighed happily. "I'm so relieved. All of the studying has come to an end!"

Now it was my turn to sigh. "Don't rub it in. I've got my final exams coming up, and then there's the NEWTs next year, and the training for whatever job I want to do after that.... Ugh."

"Girl, live in the moment for a moment, please," Francisca laughed. "You've got holidays now."

My smile returned and I set the last fork down. "True."

"Is dinner already finished, Mum?" Francisca asked Mum when she turned off the stove. Mum nodded. "Would you mind getting your father?"

"Yes," Francisca and I said in unison, before looking at each other amusedly.

"Girls," Mum scolded us and I sighed.
"Fine." I took a deep breath, not moving from my spot. "DINNER'S READY!!!"

Mum rolled her eyes. "I could've done that myself, Freya."

"Then why didn't you?" I flopped down on my usual chair, pouring me some iced tea.

"Don't sass me, young lady," Mum smiled. Then she heaved the heavy pot onto the table, just when my father entered the room and wordlessly took his usual seat.

"Thank's for cooking, Mum," I said while eying my father taking a pile of the pasta.

She smiled at me and sat down. I knew that Mum didn't like cooking and she had let it slip once that she really loved it when people didn't take her cooking as read. So I had made it my job to always compliment her meals, since they actually always tasted great.

"Is this vegetarian?" The man said from his corner.

Mum's grip on her knife and fork tightened. "No."

Francisca didn't even try to hide her annoyance. "Not all of our cholesterol levels are too high. If you really want to eat less meat you can easily sort it out."

Needless to say, he didn't leave the meat, but the tomatoes on his plate.

Fact was that he always complained when we just ate vegetables, too. One couldn't please him, so we'd stopped trying. There was always either too much or too less meat, and I sometimes wanted him to choke on his damned meat.

But when I said something similar to that, Mum always gave me a scolding look, followed by words similar to 'he's still your father'. I knew that, but that didn't change the fact that he was an arse.

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