Chapter 17

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My heart pounded rapidly, once I'd arrived at the bottom of the Astronomy tower.
One reason was the fact that I wasn't allowed to be here, and another reason was probably the fact that I'd spend time with Sirius again.
In the Astronomy tower.

At midnight.


Why had I agreed to do this, again?
Oh, right, because Sirius had asked me.

He had been busy with pranks and Quidditch practice throughout the past week, so except for Arithmancy, we hadn't really done anything since I'd almost made the biggest mistake of my life.

I didn't know how I would act around him now, which made me even more nervous. What if I was going to screw up big time?

I didn't have enough time to spontaneously ditch him and leave the country with a false name, because Sirius rounded a corner and stood in front of me.

The dim moonlight gave him an almost angelic glow as he smiled at me, the Marauder's Map in his hand. My heart fluttered.
"Hi Frey, you're here already. So we can go up now, great!"

I nodded and followed him as if in trance. I didn't dare to say anything, afraid that only gibberish would leave my mouth.

Walking up the tallest tower of Hogwarts was horrible.
I was trying my hardest to not look too exhausted, even though I was. I hated these stairs.
And by trying to keep my breathing even I made things worse, because I didn't get enough oxygen in my lungs.

So to clarify, I felt dead when we'd finally arrived at the top.

And the lessons didn't exactly help.

It was embarrassing how Sirius asked so many questions and I could only answer the simplest ones correctly.
I couldn't spot the simplest constellations without his help, and I got almost all names for the different stars wrong.

Absolutely humiliating.

"Uuugh, I can't do this anymore," I finally gave up after confusing another two constellations with each other. "I'm exhausted and a lost case! Let's just end this misery, right here."

I pointed at the floor, only to sit down on it. "I'm not continuing this psychological harassment." I crossed my arms over my chest like a defiant child.

Sirius chuckled and sat down next to me. "Maybe that was a little too much at once. But we'll have to repeat this; I had a lot of fun."

I scoffed. "At least one of us."

I was surprised that Sirius actually laughed at that. "Jesus, Freya, you aren't even that bad, you're just dramatic! Let's continue this, seriously. Let's meet up here every Saturday, okay?"

I wanted to decline.
But this was Sirius asking.
Stuff like this was our quality time, the only time when we could really spend some privat time together.

And my crush on Sirius was bigger than my grudge against Astronomy.
I sighed. Why did I always give in when something had to do with Sirius?

"Yesss," Sirius punched the air, beaming. "Since I'm happy now, we'll turn the evening around for you, too, okay?"

I smiled at his happiness. "What do you mean?"

"Let's scoot closer to the edge, okay?"

"No way!" I practically shouted in no time. Then I realised how that must've come across.
So, you guessed it, I blushed.

Sirius tilted his head at me, surprised. "You're afraid of heights?"

I didn't respond immediately. But then I slowly nodded.

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