About The End (Spoiler Warning!)

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Hi. Author here👋
Please read this and hear me out, okay?

I'm really, really sorry for the way Freya's story had to end. I feel so bad for putting our sweet main girl through that, and it really hurts me, too.

I've been so tempted to give her her happy end so often throughout writing this book, it was horrible.
But the idea for the end of this book is what made me write it in the first place, so I had to stay strong.

Although I know that the storyline would've been very good and complex if Marlene died and Freya got with Sirius- because of the angst because it doesn't feel right for both of them bc they're grieving, and them having to work through everything, that would've been really interesting, too - and I was really tempted - I couldn't give in and that HURT, trust me.

But I don't regret it, as much as it hurts. I always want my stories to be as canon as possible (except for when I write AUs, but this obviously wasn't one). That way, we can really imagine that there actually was more to the story than what the original author wrote. That way, there is more depth to the story without changing the outcome - it can be canon in our minds and could have actually happened in the real storyline, and that's what I want to achieve with most fanfiction. To extend the original plot, not to change it.

And there sadly is no Freya Tygris in the original Harry Potter books or movies - but there is in our hearts now 🙃

I wanted to write a different kind of book. There are so many stories of great and powerful heroes where everything somehow worked out against all odds. And while that's great, we should not forget that that's not always the case.

I wanted to tell the story of the forgotten heroes of the Harry Potter universe: The untold stories of the ones who gave everything to save others and/or the world. The 'minor' ones that had to suffer, but pulled through it, too. The heroes and characters that couldn't live to tell their story, and the ones that get forgotten over time. They're not worth less...

This story is a tribute to them. Not just in the Potterverse, but in general. Because there're so many heroes we don't know of, just because they didn't live...

So with Freya's story, I wanted to represent other heroes than usual. And I wanted to give a different outlook on the Harry Potter story.

What could've happened in this Harry Potter fanfiction, and how does it add up with the books? What Freya could've changed if she'd managed to survive...

Because I think there could've canonly been a few incidents that were SO close to ending the war sooner, but they weren't successful, because Regulus Black, for example, carried the secret to his grave. Kreacher wouldn't tell anyone, and in this FF, Freya, who'd been the emergency plan, sadly couldn't get to it as well.

Sometimes tasks cannot be fulfilled. And often it is the untold story that moves other characters to do certain things.... There's always more to a story, and that's what fanfiction is for, right?

And all things, reasons and apologies that I'll think of after I've published this 'chapter', I will add them here:


So, despite the fact that it is undeniably sad and cruel, I hope you still liked the story - it really means a lot to me, so please be kind.

Would you mind giving a little final feedback? 🙈
Because I know this is probably not how you expected this to go, and wanted Freya to get with Sirius eventually, after Marlene dies💔

But Freya - and everyone reading this- did not need a significant other to give her life value and meaning. As long as you love and are loved (which you are!), you are in great hands to write your own story the way you like it. Because if it's not a happy end, is it really the end??
Like Goethe said: With the stones that are being put in your way, you can build something beautiful.

I'd be really honored if some of you decided to reread this story sometime - if you do, it would really make my day if you left a #rr in the beginning!
Just please make sure you don't spoil the story for first time readers 💙💙


With one directions words: 🎶this is not the end 🎶

I published a oneshot book about this Harry Potter... Uh... Universe. Like, one with Freya in it. Uhh, the Freya-Potterverse?

Oneshots, telling a little more adventures and experiences Freya had, and little headcanons concerning her story and traces in the future, and things that the HP characters that knew her and survived might have thought some time throughout the books.

"Useful Charms To Make Life Easier - invented by Freya Tygris"

(If you have any own headcanons I could put in there, please fire away!!)

And maybe some Blackinnon Oneshots, so that we see the relationship from a happy point of view, too.

So yeah, maybe I'll see you there :)

I really really really want to do an Instagram live about this book (and the ending and open questions) and talk about it with you and maybe answer some questions

But I know that if I do it now, I won't have anyone who watches it😂😂 (or like 3 ppl lol)
So it has to be worth it!
I'll only do it if there are people who'll watch it and comment, so that it won't feel like I'm holding a presentation or like I'm talking to a wall 😂

So if you're interested, my instagram is 'toomuchofafangal'. (I'll also publish the book's ideaboard/draft and some illustrations on there)
It's private, but just so that there won't be bots, don't worry. If you only followed for the live, that's no problem! Just follow me and send me a dm, saying that you would like to see the life, and then I'll see how many we are 😊 you can unfollow afterwards, I really don't care, I siriusly just want to talk 😉

If you read the story after I did the insta live (I'll write it on here after I did it), that's no problem either. In the unlikely case that new people come and want a new one, just comment so and we can make it happen as soon as there are enough :)

.... I'll only have to find time when we don't have 3 am for anyone, which might be difficult 🤔😂 - we'll manage, somehow

And finally: the next chapter I'll publish is her Playlist, so stay tuned for that, too!!

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