Chapter 3

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Dear Freya,
I hope this letter finds you well and that you have enjoyed your time at Hogwarts throughout the last few weeks.
I am really sorry that I didn't write sooner, but things have been stressful here. Your sister is working very hard to become a healer at St. Mungo's too, and my work situation has yet again made your father grumpy, but it's just the usual.
I really miss you, so I hope you're enjoying your time at school. Don't stress too much about your grades, will you? You're a very good student, very smart, and you're your hardest critic, remember. Enjoy your spare time a little more, just a little reminder.

How are Lina, Valerie, Anna and Aleya? Did they like the presents you got them?

I love you and I'm proud of you, don't forget that.
All the love,

I scrunched my eyebrows suspiciously. That couldn't be the whole truth, not when I'd gotten a second letter. My mother was yet again trying to cover up her problems just so that I wouldn't worry.
If only she knew how much that backfired.

I think I had my expectations when it came to that second letter, and with bitter satisfaction, I discovered that I'd been right.

Hi Freya,
Sorry I'm just writing now, but I had to learn so much and only now have a break.
It's hell at home, you're so lucky you're not here. But at the same time I feel guilty for leaving Mum, because I'm almost never at home too, so I don't witness the whole situation, and maybe it would be better if you were here, too.
I'm pretty sure Mum didn't tell you, so here's my update:
Dad still doesn't want to move out but keeps playing the victim, you know what I mean.
Apparently, Mum is working too much and our father lost weight because she doesn't have the time to babysit him.
She doesn't "do the house chores like she's supposed to do", cooks too late (not our fault that he never does that, and not our fault that he never buys himself lunch, but who are we to tell him that, right?) and she works too much. And the man thinks that Mum is always insulting him, which, as you and me both know, is the other way around.
Mum keeps asking me whether it's her fault and I think she doesn't realise how nice she actually is, despite of everything the man does. I'm so frustrated, CAN'T HE JUST MOVE OUT ALREADY!?

It is so emotionally exhausting and I had to rant, sorry. It is weird to not have you close to talk.

I suppose I'll return to the human anatomy now.

Bye from the cooler Tygris,

I set the letter down and swallowed, anger bubbling up inside me. Just great.
Francisca was right, why couldn't he just move out already? Why did he actually think that he was the poor victim, harassed by everyone?

This annoyed me more than anything else. I loathed that man.

The sound of crinkling parchment tore me out of my daze. I looked down and realised that I had clenched my fists, crinkling the letter in the process.

I took a deep breath, trying to regain my cool, but that didn't work. I abruptly stood up from my bed, snapping my potions book shut with a little too much force. The owl on the drawer next to my bed hooted accusingly.
"Sorry," I muttered.

I usually loved giving treats to the owls, or stroking their feathers, but I was too frustrated at that moment. I waited until the animal flew out again, then I closed the window and left the empty dormitory.

I just wanted to clear my head and walk my frustration off. I couldn't focus on homework when I kept cursing my father (in my head of course, but a girl could dream, right?).

Aleya, Valerie and Lina ignored me, when I walked past them and out of the common room.

I didn't even think about where I was heading; I just wanted to walk, use some energy and forget about all my frustration and sadness. I'd reply to these letters later, when I wasn't that likely to crush the quill anymore.

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