Chapter 35

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The new timetable Professor Flitwick handed round the next morning managed to lift my mood.

I had free periods, just because I had dropped History of Magic and Astronomy (although that just meant that I could stay in the Ravenclaw tower on the Thursday nights). I could use those to read - pardon me, study - more.

And our Monday started with a double lesson of  Care of Magical creatures, which was really nice because the fresh air would wake me up properly.

Since today was a Tuesday, the Ravenclaws started their day with Defense Against the Dark Arts.

I didn't mind the subject, I actually thoroughly enjoyed it, but my mood dampened again when I saw Lily Evans and Alice Fortescue enter the classroom with us.

And that meant that we shared the class with the Gryffindors this year.

Just then, Remus, James and Peter walked in and gave me little waves, before they disappeared to the back of the classroom.
If they were here already, that meant that Sirius would come in soon, too.

And just like that, he actually entered the room, as if I'd summoned him or something.

They didn't hold hands, but the way they smiled at each other as they talked still managed to hit me harder than any Bludger ever could.

I felt my eyes watering up again (I know, embarrassing and weak, but there was a reason why I hadn't been sorted into Gryffindor or Slytherin) and quickly turned my eyes away.

They fortunately didn't sit down in front of me, so I wouldn't have to see them during class.

Then I did what I had constantly practiced during the summer holidays- I focused only on the lesson, without zoning out. I couldn't risk my mind wandering off.

Dorcas Meadowes managed to rush in seconds before our new Professor entered the room and everything fell silent.
The whole class had to judge the woman first and test its waters, before we would know how we had to behave around her.

It was a tall middle aged woman with irritatingly dark eyes and deep bronze skin. She was wearing dark red robes and her dark hair was tightly braided to her head.

She immediately radiated a sense of authority that reminded me a little of Professor McGonagall.

"Hello, class," she eyed all of us attentively. "I'm Professor Nostar and your new teacher for Defense Against the Dark Arts, as I'm sure you've already figured."

It was quiet, since noone dared go talk. "I'm from the Ministry's Auror Department, so I'll only be here for one year."

I exchanged a knowing look with Aleya, who was sitting on my left. We both knew that even if she had wanted to stay longer - something would've came up and held her back. In all of our previous six years at Hogwarts, no Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher had stayed longer than a year. Something always came up.
Rumor had it that the job was cursed.

My respect for the woman grew when she mentioned that she was an Auror. They experienced Dark Magic first hand, so I was sure that we'd learn a lot from her.

Plus, maybe her presence as a teacher would help me decide my future job, since I was interested in becoming an Auror. I just didn't quite see myself there.

"Since this year is your final year at Hogwarts," Professor Nostar continued, "And since you'll take your NEWT exams at the end of the term, we'll try to briefly revise everything, and we'll cover darker creatures and curses that you haven't been taught before, since they are too extreme for younger students."
She gave us all a piercing look.

"I won't sugarcoat it: There's a war going on outside of the castle's walls, and you'll need to be able to protect yourselves. That's why the Ministry sent me here, and I made it my goal to prepare you all as much as I can."

I swallowed and the class broke into hushed and nervous whispers at the mention of the war. When one was at Hogwarts, it was easy enough to forget, but as terrible as it was, the Auror was right.

Even though the war scared me, it was part of why I considered becoming an Auror. I wanted to help and protect people (and Healer was out of question), and maybe put an end to the war.

"Now," Professor Nostar spoke up again and the class fell quiet once more. "Who wants to start off with telling me about Inferi?"


By the time the evening came around, I realised that I'd have even more free time than I'd initially thought, because I wasn't a Prefect anymore.

It saddened me a little bit that I'd not patrol through Hogwarts with Remus anymore, and in general, I had really enjoyed walking around Hogwarts' corridors after curfew. It had always cleared my head.

So this evening, I just stayed in the common room, looking down at the beautiful grounds of Hogwarts.

Everything was so peaceful that I couldn't imagine that a war was going on in the other side of the country.

It worried me, I didn't want to deny that. Each time I skimmed over the people reported missing or dead in the Daily Prophet, I couldn't help but feel scared.

Not for me, but for the people I loved.

I kept telling myself that Francisca and Mum were Healers, so they would be the last people to get attacked, but that did little to nothing to calm me down.

My mind wandered to my friends. When we finished our time at Hogwarts, would they all be safe? Aleya was muggleborn, so exactly what the Death Eaters were after. Anna was a Pureblood; she'd only be endangered if the Death Eaters wanted to recruit her, but I believed that she could hold her ground. Same for Valerie and Lina, they would both be able to defend themselves, in the unlikely case that they were attacked.

What surprised me was that I found myself worry the most about the marauders:
James came from a family that was targeted because of how friendly they were with muggles and muggleborns. Remus was a werewolf - it wasn't even likely that he would get a job after he got off from Hogwarts.
Peter, as much as I liked him, wasn't a very powerful wizard- he wouldn't be able to defend himself very much.
And Sirius was the blood traitor from a very highly admired Pureblood-family. I could imagine that the ones who didn't want to recruit him wanted revenge.

What if something happened to the only people that actually cared about me?

My throat clogged up once more.
This war had to end soon.
One more reason why I should continue to consider becoming an Auror.

I'd really pay attention in this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts.

It wasn't like I'd have a lot of things to do anyways.

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