Chapter 13

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The realisation that I was crushing on Sirius Black downright terrified me.
I'd never had a crush on anyone before, not counting any fictional characters. I was way too shy - or not even necessarily shy, but too much of a coward - to actually date someone.
I was scared of rejection, because when I wasn't even a best friend to anyone, how could anyone crush on me!?

While I loved the idea of a boyfriend (or maybe even girlfriend, I didn't know), realistically I never saw myself dating anyone, although I would've liked to.
And now that I was crushing on Sirius, I was even more afraid of rejection. He had turned out to be a great friend, and I didn't want to lose what I'd finally gotten: A great, true friend. I didn't want things to change. I would just make things awkward.

So, like every other introverted and not very brave girl would do, I decided to keep quiet.
I wouldn't tell anyone, and I wouldn't change anything.
I would hide the feelings until they went away. To me, that sounded like a great plan.

Like I planned, my life continued normally.
I spent time with my friends, went on Prefect patrols, had Quidditch practice, read books, did my homework, studied for class and did a few things with Sirius, like aimlessly strolling through the grounds, just talking, or me losing at wizarding chess. Apparently, Remus, Peter and James refused to play with Sirius anymore, and I slowly began to understand, why. My behaviour around him was a little more tense at first, but I loosened up again very quickly. Now it really was like it had been before my realisation, with me just feeling comfortable and happy whenever he chose to spend time with me. Oh, and I'm pretty sure Sirius forgot the normal colour of my face, because the majority of the time he spent with me, I was a blushing mess.

It was safe to say that Sirius actually was my best friend now, even though I wasn't his, but that didn't really matter to me. He knew about my doubts and insecurities concerning Lina, Valerie and Aleya, and he knew every dirty little secret that made me hate my father. It was cool to rant, because he just let me talk, then agreed and insulted my male creator with me. Sirius actually listened and seemed interested in my life. That fact alone made the butterflies in tummy go mental. He helped me improve at Arithmancy to a level where I actually looked forward to the class (and no, that was not (only) because it was the class where Sirius sat next to me), and we sometimes found the time to do our thing: Playing Quidditch when the field wasn't occupied.

That all being said, March came around and the day of Ravenclaw's Quidditch game against Slytherin arrived.

I was nervous, like always before a match. I always feared that we'd lose just because of me. And now, Sirius was also watching the game (partly because the Gryffindor team wanted to prepare for their game, and partly because he said he'd cheer for me), which made me even more nervous and determined to not mess up.

I only had one ear for Aleya's speech, and then we went outside, welcomed by the booming sound of almost everyone at Hogwarts cheering or booing.

"Captains, shake hands," Madam Hooch, a young teacher, instructed and Aleya and Regulus Black did as they were told.

"I want a clean game." The teacher eyed us all warningly, and some replied with a nod.
"Now mount your brooms."

We all kicked us off the floor and ascended into the shining blue sky. We were lucky that it was a sunny spring day; so perfect conditions for a game against Slytherin.

With the sound of Madam Hooch's whistle, the green and blue robes mixed and the game began.
I wasted no time and went after one Bludger, only hearing the first few sentences of the commentator, a fifth year Slytherin girl. "Ravenclaw's captain Dunchester catches the Quaffle and heads towards the hoops. Slytherin Chaser Miller blocks her way and Dunchester quickly passes the Quaffle to Chang, who catches and is now in front of the hoops. She aims... and Slytherin's Keeper Roberts barely misses! Goal for Ravenclaw!"

After that, I was way too focused on the Bludger and protecting and defending my team to continue listening. If I didn't pay close attention to the Bludgers, using both, my eyes and ears, I wouldn't be able to do my job.

So I flew back and forth, hitting the Bludgers again and again, protecting my team mates and attacking the Slytherins. I even managed to aim my Bludger at the Quaffle once, which got knocked off its course from one Slytherin Chaser to another. One of our own Chasers caught it instead and headed off to Slytherin's hoops.

I was in my element and even surprised myself.

Ravenclaw was running fifty points behind when I saw a golden glint in the corner of my eye. To my horror, Regulus Black was the only one who saw it too, and our Seeker hadn't noticed it yet.
Once he did see it too, Regulus Black was already leading, only a few feet behind the Snitch.

I flew a few feet to the side and hit the incoming Bludger, aiming and praying that I wouldn't miss.

"Where were the Slytherin Beaters!? Black is forced to go off course due to a precise Bludger coming his way, sent by Ravenclaw Beater Tygris. Good aim, I have to admit that," The commentator sounded bitter and I couldn't believe it. I hadn't missed and Regulus Black had been forced to yank his broom back, because my incoming Bludger had cut off his way!

Our Seeker was now much closer to the Snitch!

The crowd went wild, but I could make out one voice- the voice that mattered the most to me. "Wohoo, you go Freya! Awesome hit!!"
I looked to my right, and there they were. The marauders all cheered and clapped, and Sirius was screaming his lungs out!

The whistle sounded. "Mallom catches the Snitch! Ravenclaw wins with a score of 190 to 90!"

We had won!
I was on clowd nine! I was so happy and surprised by myself  that I didn't even notice that my gaze had fallen back on the marauders.

Beaming, I caught Sirius' eyes. He was still clapping and cheering, but I couldn't make out his words.

Suddenly, his face changed into a look of horror when his eyes fell onto something behind me.

"Avery, no!!"

That was the last thing I heard before something really hard hit my head and everything turned black.

I finished this just in time, because my train ride ends in 5 minutes and I won't have time to write for a while, now.

Sorry, but I didn't proof-read because of the hurry.


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