Chapter 29

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When I got my Arithmancy finals back, I clutched my hand over my mouth in surprise.
It muffled my surprised laughter, but since Sirius sat next to me, he was already looking at me, smiling. "What is it?"

Still trying to fully comprehend it, I turned to him. "I got an O!" I whisper shouted. "I can't believe it, oh my God!"

Sirius' smile widened. "Amazing!"

I had actually managed to receive an Outstanding in my finals. In Arithmancy! My second worst subject!

With yet another blush on my cheeks, I replied, "All thanks to you."
Without Sirius sitting next to me and helping me understand everything, I would've never managed to improve.
Funny how my worst subjects were his best ones.

Was it too cheesy of me to think that Sirius and I balanced each other out perfectly?
It was hard for me not to think that - maybe- we were made for each other.
He was loud, I was quiet.
He was confident, I was rather shy.
He was impulsive, I was an overthinker.
He was fire, I was water.
Despite all of this, we were still so similar.
We were two pieces of a puzzle, we fit to each other perfectly. That's what I thought, at least.
What I wanted to be true. What I dreamed of.

Sirius' reply snapped me out of it. "Oh, it's your work that brought you here. I can't improve something that isn't there, can I? You did it, Frey."

"Thanks," I beamed again. "For everything."

Sirius looked a little confused. "Sure? You're welcome."

I wasn't brave enough to elaborate, but to tell the truth - Sirius had turned this year into the best one of my life.
So far. Because I couldn't wait to spend countless years in the future with him by my side. Whichever way.

When the bell signalled the end of the lesson, Sirius gave me one last wink before heading off to whatever class he had next.

The rest of my school day went by pretty uneventfully, since we only received our final results, and I soon found myself packing up my stuff to go home over the summer holidays.
Wow. The year had really gone by fast.
And next year would be my last one at Hogwarts. Weird, how it felt like yesterday when I had been super nervous about my first year at Hogwarts and what house I'd get sorted into.

I had always had trouble with staying away from home. Now, after this year, I was proud to say that that had changed.
I was looking forward to seeing my mum and sister, but for the first time ever, I was sure that I'd miss someone at school just as much as I had always missed my mother.

With an ache in my chest, I realised that I wouldn't see Sirius for almost two months. If he didn't reach out to meet up with me, that was.

I focused back on what I was doing, but that didn't help with getting Sirius out of my mind. I was holding my Astronomy book in my hands.

I involuntarily thought back to our nightly meet ups and just had to smile. Every part of my body started to buzz with that warm feeling.
Then my eyes fell onto my Arithmancy book, and my mind wandered back to all the memories I'd shared with Sirius.

How he'd hit me with the Quaffle and how I'd helped the marauders with their map. How he'd sat down next to me in Arithmancy and how he'd sneaked out to Hogsmeade with me. How he'd turned to me when James, Peter and Remus wouldn't talk to him. How he'd randomly popped up next to me when he wanted to spend time with me.
How he'd helped me improve at Arithmancy and Astrology and how he'd spent several hours baking with me because he'd noticed that I'd been feeling down.
How I wasn't chosen last by him.

I got reminded of how much I actually loved that boy. And I did want him to be with me.

I put the Astronomy book down.

Love You In My Mind // Sirius BlackOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant