Chapter 4

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Saying I had fun almost didn't do it justice. I had fun with my friends, during charms, when I was watching movies or reading a good book.
But playing Quidditch that evening, playing off frustration and anger with Sirius Black was so much more than that. It felt as if all my worries and the negative aspects of life simply disappeared, while we were hitting the Quaffle back and forth and told each other funny stories- he'd actually laughed when I had retold the story of the quill stuck in my hand.
The word fun didn't really describe how amazing this little match had been and how much joy it had brought to me, as cheesy as it may sound.

I learned that Peter was too shy for his own good, that Remus had a chocolate obsession, and that James owned an invisibility cloak that had allowed the marauders to explore every corner of the castle without being caught. (That last piece of information was a slip up, though.)

In return, I told him about Valerie's talent at drawing, Aleya's obsession with muggle sitcoms and that my sister was a healer-to-be at St. Mungo's, after she had left Hogwarts three years ago.

And I learned that there was more about Sirius Black than just good looks and funny jokes. He was an amazing friend, always there for all of them, and he was a true Gryffindor at heart, always standing up for what he believed in, no matter what others - even (or especially) his family - thought.

As I said, I was having the time of my life. That was, until I could've sworn that something huge and black had flown over the forbidden forest. I turned my head to look at it properly, but I didn't see anything.

The last thing I remembered was Sirius shouting "Freya, look out!", then the Quaffle hit my head and everything turned black.


I was woken up by hushed voices and a dull pain in the side of my head.
When I groaned and opened my eyes, the voices turned silent. I was in the infirmary, I noticed. Of course, I'd fallen off of my broom. How embarrassing. That had never happened to me before, oh Merlin.

Apparently, the voices belonged to none other than the marauders themselves. All of them stood beside my bed; James, Peter and Remus on my left and Sirius on my right side. Sirius looked really pale and guilty.

As soon as they noticed that I was awake, smiles appeared on their faces. Sirius let out a sigh of relief.

"You see, Padfoot? We told you she wasn't dead," Peter grinned with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Whereas Remus and James chuckled, Sirius rolled his eyes. "Ha ha. I knew that! Still, it's my fault that she's here."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "It's not your fault that I got distracted."

He looked at me, still wearing that guilty expression. "But I didn't notice that you weren't paying attention, and I knocked you off your broom!"

"We weren't that high up."

"You still fell off your broom, unconscious! How are you feeling?"

I smiled reassuringly, slowly sitting up in my bed. I tried to not flinch at the stinging in my ribcage that had appeared once I'd moved. While I was leaning back against my headboard, I answered. "My head and ribs hurt a little, but I'm fine. Madam Pomfrey will fix this in no time, it's no big deal."

"See," James raised his eyebrows at Sirius. "We told you she wouldn't be angry. Freya is too nice for that."

I blushed.

"Besides," James continued, "Every Quidditch player can take a few injuries. If not, they should change the sport."

"Exactly," I backed James up and smiled at Sirius. While it was sweet that he felt so guilty, it was my fault and really not a big deal. No Quidditch game had ever ended without someone having at least a small injury.

Love You In My Mind // Sirius BlackWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt