Chapter 42

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"Auror?" My mum repeated, surprised, and Francisca raised an eyebrow. "Why that?"

I shrugged. "It feels right. I want to do something where I can help and protect others - and being a Healer is just not for me, you know?"

My statement was followed by silence.
After my mother had picked me up from King's Cross, we'd driven to Francisca's and Henry's new place very close to St. Mungo's.

My sister had given us all tea and we were sitting in her living room, catching up.

My mum sighed and a deep worried crinkle appeared on her forehead. "Are you really sure? That's a very dangerous job..."

"I know it is," I insisted. "But honestly, these days almost everything is dangerous. So I can just as good get my Auror training and be prepared for the dangers in the world."

Francisca looked at the tea in her cup. "Mum, as much as I agree with you, Freya's right. Besides, I think the job would suit her."

I gave my sister a grateful glance, but my mum still didn't seem reassured.

I leaned over and took her hand. "Mum, Professor Flitwick said that I'd be a good Auror, and I think my grades imply that I'm good enough at magic, so... That has to count as something, right?"

"Of course that counts," my mum's grip on my hand tightened. "I know that you'll be an amazing Auror, but I still don't want things to happen to you. You could become a target, and get hurt, and I can't bare that thought."
She put on a sad smile and stroked my  hair.

"I'll be alright, Mum," I smiled, although deep down, I shared some of her thoughts. Still, I wanted to be there for others. If I could help and protect others, every risk was worth it. "I want to do this."

My mum sighed. "I know. And I don't want to stand in between you and your dreams, you know that. Just be careful."

"I will, Mum, I promise."

My mother pulled her sleeve up and wiped her cheeks. "But you better don't tell your father what an Auror does, or he'll go berserk-"

Francisca's groan interrupted her. "This flat is a Walter-free zone! We don't speak of that man in here. Keep the peace and happiness, thank you."

I nodded at both of them. "He'll never know."

Mum nodded. "Okay."

"So, Freya, when do you want to start the training?"

"As soon as possible," I replied. "I don't want to sit around and do nothing for so long, so I'll apply immediately. The next training starts in September and if they won't take me that term, the next one begins in November. I hope they'll take me in for September already, though."

Francisca scoffed. "Please, Freya, look at your NEWTs. Of course they'll take you as soon as you apply. Remember, self confidence is the key."

Yes, I remembered, but it was still easier said than done. "Thanks, Francisca."

"Always... You know, I'm very proud of you."

I smiled back at her. "Thank you."

Francisca's smile turned devilish. "To think of how annoying and stupid you were as a little kid though, it's unimaginable-"

I rolled my eyes, still grinning. "That old story, stop it!"

"I'm only telling the truth."

I grimaced but let her have the last word for once.

"Freya," Mum spoke up again, "Do you want to stay over at Francisca's tonight? I've got a late night shift, and I'm sure you don't want to be alone with your father when your sister has a free evening."

"You've got that right," I muttered under my breath, and then said louder, "Yes, Mum. I'll apparate back home tomorrow morning, alright?"

Mum nodded. "Fine by me. Then, girls, I'll leave you to it."

She stood up and pressed each of us a kiss on the head. "I love you, stay safe."

"You too, Mum."

When she left the apartment, I turned to my sister. "Can you help me with the application?"

She nodded and waved her hand dismissively. "Of course. You'll have to praise yourself in these things, and I know that you're terrible at that."

I chuckled, and with that, I finally spend time with my sister again, and we spend the rest of the evening writing the application to enter the Auror training.


Two days later at breakfast, I received an owl.
For a split second, I thought that it could be a reply from the Magical Law Enforcement, but I quickly dismissed that thought once I saw Sirius' tidy handwriting on the letter.

The owl had landed directly next to my plate and had only missed the butter by a few inches, which was a reason to be angry for a certain muggle at the table.

"I thought I said no animals at the table," my father grumbled from where he was sitting, and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"He's an owl. How's he supposed to know that?" I asked, trying my hardest to not sound annoyed. I ignored him as I was untying the letter, and gave the owl a little piece of my toast as a treat.

"No feeding of animals at the table!" My father snapped again. "They'll remember that you gave them something and they'll always expect it now!"

I clenched my jaw, boiling with rage, but - again- trying to not show it. "It's an owl from the magical world, they get trained to send letters! It deserves its treat and it'll know where and when to go! It's intelligent, you know?"
Unlike some others in this room..., I added in my mind.
I turned my attention to the owl, who was watching me with attentive eyes. "Thank you. Just wait around in case I have to send a reply."

It was something that had always bothered me: I really wanted an owl, but my parents had said that they had owls at Hogwarts and that it would be unfair, because they hadn't gotten Francisca a pet either.

I was sure that the first wage I'd ever get would be spent on a very own screech owl- I loved them.

Ignoring my father's questions and risking that he'd start screaming because I didn't answer, I opened Sirius' letter. I was surprised at how short it was.

Hey Frey,
We've just gotten a visit from Dumbledore, and the boys and I were wondering if he's messaged you as well? In case he has, I'm sure you know what this is about, and in case he hasn't, we want to tell you about it.
Come to the church in Godric's Hollow  tomorrow at 1pm, alright? I'll take you to the Potter Manor, we'll talk there.
Don't answer this by owl.


The serious tone of this letter was suspicious, and I couldn't help but worry. Was it bad news? Did something bad happen? Why else would Dumbledore want to talk to the marauders? Or why had Sirius asked if he'd approached me too, if it was something regarding them?

Fortunately, I didn't have any responsibilities yet, so I was free almost any time and I could meet them tomorrow to get answers.

"Freya, I won't ask again!" My father said harshly.

I didn't even know what the question had been. I nodded at the owl. "It's okay, you can go now." Then I returned my eyes to the parchment, so that I could ignore the man's glare. "Sorry Dad, I've got to go."

And with that, I gave my wand a flick and my stuff on the table flew to the dishwasher, while I was leaving the room. The owl left through the open window, just like how he'd come in.

"No magic on house chores!" I heard my Dad complain, but I ignored him again, trying not to think about the consequences it would have.

Merlin, it was really horrible to be alone with him. Poor Mum.

Because I couldn't say that I had to go and just go to my room afterwards, I had to leave the house. So I did just that and decided to disapparate to London, just so that I could stroll around the streets there.
At least my father would hear that I'd disapparated, that was the most important thing at the moment. Now I just had to spend some time.

I'd talk to the boys tomorrow.

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