Chapter 12

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The next morning at breakfast, someone hugged me from behind, pressing their cheek to my head.
While I was frozen in surprise, wondering who on earth that was, my dorm mates and the people closest to me fell quiet.
"Thank you," Sirius mumbled quietly, and I could literally feel the grin on his face. "I don't know what you did, but it worked. They heard me out and talk to me again."

There was that weird feeling in my stomach again, and my heart rate sped up.
I turned around to face him, which caused Sirius to let go of me. I was ecstatic to hear that, so I gave him a huge smile.
"That's great Sirius, I'm so happy it worked out!"

He nodded, his smile couldn't possibly be any wider. "I don't know what you said to them, but thank you so much, you're the best!"

Was it possible for a heart to skip a beat and then start beating again at a much quicker pace? Because I thought that had just happened.

"Oh, don't mention it," I said, trying to ignore my intensifieing blush. Instead, I briefly eyed the several gawking students around us. We were causing a scene, I realised. Aleya, Lina and Valerie's eyes were almost popping out of their heads.

Sirius noticed my discomfort and nodded, only hugging me again very briefly. "Still, thank you so, so much. I'll talk to you later."

I didn't even have time to reply before he headed off to the marauders on the Gryffindor table.
And the eyes of very many people sitting at the Ravenclaw table were still on me. Just great.

"What was that about?" Aleya grinned and nudged my ribs.

I swallowed, trying to get my heart rate to finally calm down again. What was wrong with me??

"Oh, I did him a favour, and I think he didn't expect it, so he was surprised and just thanked me now."

"Sure," Lina laughed and winked. "If you say so."

I didn't know what she was implying. I wasn't very good at reading people's emotions, and I had difficulties with reading a room's atmosphere, which was the reason for many weird looks thrown at me, before I had learned to just shut up.
So I did just that and didn't reply verbally, I just nodded.

Then I hurried to finish my breakfast, so that I could flee from the too many eyes sat on me.

Luckily, Aleya was done early, too, so we went to Herbology together.

The school day went by and I continued to wonder what 'I'll talk to you later' meant to Sirius. Before or after dinner, directly after class or even after curfew?

Well, I found out when Sirius blocked my way to the Great Hall before dinner the same day, holding my wrist. My hand tingled.
My friends gave me confused looks or wiggled their eyebrows, and walked into the hall without me.

"I know that you don't want to talk in the Great Hall, so let's just have dinner in the kitchen, okay?" Sirius asked quietly.

My eyes, however, had dropped to where his hand was holding me. I knew that if I looked up, he'd see my blush, and I was way too embarrassed to form proper sentences, too. I just nodded, and Sirius wasted no time in dragging me through the castle and to the kitchen.

He only let go of my wrist once we'd reached the picture of the fruit bowl that we had to tickle when we wanted to enter.

We were instantly surrounded by countless house elves.
"What do Master and Mistress want?"
"Why aren't Master and Mistress eating with the rest of the school?
"What can we do for Master and Mistress?"

Sirius held up one hand, kindly making the elves stop talking. Instead, they all looked at us attentively with their big eyes.
"We thought that we could eat dinner down here, because we wanted to have some privacy to have a talk?"

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